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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 5th, 2022

  • Indeed.

    The non-party principle means indifference to the struggle of parties. But this indifference is not equivalent to neutrality, to abstention from the struggle, for in the class struggle there can be no neutrals; in capitalist society, it is impossible to “abstain” from taking part in the exchange of commodities or labour-power. And exchange inevitably gives rise to economic and then to political struggle. Hence, in practice, indifference to the struggle does not at all mean standing aloof from the struggle, abstaining from it, or being neutral. Indifference is tacit support of the strong, of those who rule

    V. I. Lenin

  • Oh, it’s one of my favourite flavors of copium.

    Someone starts complaining about some rotting systems and crises or other, libs nod along, then the magical C-word comes up and they’re like “WAIT, NOT LIKE THAT! That’s not how capitalism is supposed to work, that’s bad bad evil bad corporatism. We can fix it with proper legislation an stuff and things!”.

  • В смысле руками пленных нацистов? Тут жаль только, что их потом домой выпустили.

    Или руками советских преступников, которым платили и было гарантировано трудоустройство после окончания срока, а не полоскание на ветру, как в твоих любимых либеральных залупах, раб?)

  • First of all, on the “irradiated world” and less devastating nukes. Modern nukes are way more efficient. More fuel reacts -> bigger boom and less pollution. Also, destruction of industry and infrastructure don’t happen in a vacuum. Subsequent chaos is gonna claim many more lives.

    And the part about Russian and Chinese defense systems is hella wishful thinking. Maybe China can do something like that, but if anything, war in Ukraine showed that Russian electronic warfare capabilities have been overestimated as hell. All the “sanctions” on chips won’t help either.

  • Niger’s current government demanded that the US troops GTFO and these Russian troops are a “not Wagner” replacement for Wagner contingent that was in the country already. Officially there to strengthen relations and train Nigerian army.

    As for barging into an American base while their troops are still there, that has to be a démarche of sorts, much like that message at the trophy display in Moscow.

    I skimmed through some American statements about the whole thing and this might be Kremlin preventing Americans from stalling, because they said they’re pulling out, but want to keep presence for as long as possible, maybe waiting for an opportunity, considering situation in Niger isn’t exactly stable yet. Nothing like a threat of a major diplomatic incident to make people hurry, I guess.

    P.S. The message I mentioned and translation for non-Russian speaking comrades: “Attention! Employees of the United States, the UK, Germany, France and Poland embassies are granted access to inspect trophy NATO equipment OUT OF TURN.”