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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • I hate when they seem to think that everyone doesn’t care, but only the billionaires and a few corporations are causing the majority of the climate change.

    Why does everyone have to give up eating meat, so that companies like SpaceX can dump more Methane than cows burp in a a year because they save money on Methane fuel?

    Why does everyone have to buy new super expensive electric cars without any increases in minimum wages in 15 years?

    Why do we all have to live in mega cities with mass transit and walking everywhere, but I’m disabled and walking everywhere will send me back into a wheelchair.

    It bugs me that everything in the climate change news puts it on everyone, instead of calling all of the major polluters to account and their politicians who keep pushing the gas petal for money.

    Maybe it’s just me, but I’m pretty sure most of the regular people just can’t afford to make the needed changes because the economy is so top-heavy that no corporation is willing to increase their labor costs because of greed.

    But, maybe it’s just me.

  • I have been forced to deal with realpage and Cortland 3 of the 4 years I lived in Colorado Springs. It would be so nice to see those slimeballs fail. I was paying luxury apartment prices for a broken down apartment because they added a second phase to the complex down the street, so the called all of the apartments luxury apartments. The majority of the units were built in the 80’s with foundation issues, exploding water heaters in the winter, crumbling cement staircases, and a ton of water damage in the walls.

    My dog misses all the other dogs at their Dog park, but I saved a lot in moving to the “ghetto area”.

  • Wow I was waiting and waiting for the buy my alternate world fiction series today link, but it never came.

    This is the ranting of someone who has been microdosing the LSD too much and macrodosing the cochise way way way too much.

    Gray really is an apt color for the Tech Libertarian Billionaires who seem to think that their winning of the lottery in life means they’re smarter or better than everyone else. They have no clue how it was all about the right time and right place.

    They’re like wannabe fascists looking down at the real fascists thinking that buying the Red’s off will somehow make sense. The real fascist will trou ce them all because they already have a major foothold.

    Such wishful thinking from supposed elites is just sad.