I appreciate you trying not to lecture me on my own history. I do think Yugoslavia had the best European version of socialism and the reason they didn’t survive after fall of USSR is clear: NATO destroyed them. Now imagine strong socialist Czechoslovakia that could be their ally against West, maybe along with Bulgaria, maybe even Poland if they could’ve been turned around… My point is, if USSR didn’t destroy other versions of socialism, if they didn’t destroy TRUST of the people in socialism (because the societal fallout has been terrible and is still the single biggest reason people oppose socialist ideas nowadays) there would’ve been a strong socialist block that might’ve had the potential to withstand the pressure from NATO/West.
Regarding Putin, I’m glad Navalny is dead because he was the liberal sellout you’re talking about, but I do hope there are socialist currents strong enough in Russia to replace Putin with, probably not a communist, but at least a moderate socialist. Tho it’s probably more likely it will be some ultra militaristic reactionary.