With the government executing this message to our youth, I think they’ll work as well as the anti-piracy ones back in the day.
You Wouldn’t Steal a Car
With the government executing this message to our youth, I think they’ll work as well as the anti-piracy ones back in the day.
You Wouldn’t Steal a Car
Yeah when I’d “disable” my right hand I’d have to wait for the weekends or homework that involved writing wouldn’t be able to get done. You did this as an adult? That’s dedication. I think in time anyone could adapt if they had to or could afford to be low-functioning for a while but I always wonder if there’s shortcut steps to start rewiring your brain to not automatically assign tasks to your dominant hand.
It’s all fun and games until they start stealing Kia’s and Hyundai’s.
Yeah that food court stop is the consolation prize to drain out that last $5 in the account.
I notice lefties. Im right-handed and when I was little and much dumber I wanted to be left-handed. So I did a bunch of weird shit to force it. Stuff like wrapping my right hand up for whole day, trying reverse controls for video games, wearing my watch on my right hand, etc. Some stuff did take, like the watch on my right hand, which ironically made my right hand more dominant. Being a lefty is the club that I was never able to join but think about subconsciously all the time I guess.
Pretty nifty solution. As a bonus you could snap them together so they stay paired when not being worn.
I just read that as well. Or there’s just no witnesses. Also read something that they stop attacking if the boat stops.
Childhood indoctrination is a big part of it. I have been told by my 8-year old niece that she’d like to save me from drowning in a lake of fire. She was genuinely scared for me. It’s literal child abuse followed by Stockholm syndrome.
Same for online recipes. The content you want is never at the top.
Does your dad’s first name rhyme with Schmeeelon by chance?
What’s on the front of the shirt I wonder.
2nd option: “I saw who broke into your car. Call me at (leave fake #)”
I’ll forget all about this post in about 5-7 lemmy posts. Higher than my normal 3-4 lemmy post memory-wipe because I’m commenting.