They see like this all the time.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 2nd, 2021


  • It’s not about targeting “terrorists” it’s about targeting medical staff, and other innocent people. Pagers are very widely used by medical staff. Especially in the ER. Isn’treal has shown time and time again they specifically target medical and care staff. It’s like their snub at the world. They know that it is universally accepted that medical staff is not to be targeted in wars and conflicts by most all nations. It no difference when they target people from the UN, NATO, other allied forces, etc. it’s than declaring they will be as shitty and despicable as they want, that they don’t answer to anyway, and can get away with anything.

  • Because they don’t CALL themselves fascists. Using that word is an obvious bad thing and most people aren’t going to support it. So they don’t call themselves that. Even fucking Hitler was smart enough to co-opt naming that they knew people supported. The National SOCIALIST party.

    The call themselves moderates, conservatives, liberals, etc. And because of that, people are fine with them coming in and sending bombs to genocide other nations, making speeches where immigrants are labeled as animals, making policies to jail poor people, etc. etc.

    I made this comment elsewhere here but, it’s not going to ever be “choose between communism and fascism.” It’s going to be a spectrum of people that mostly do nother while the actual fascists, that don’t call themselves fascists, start killing communists, that DO call themselves communists. And most people will be ok with it for the same reasons they have always been ok with it. “Well they are extremists and should have been more reasonable.” “Well I’m not a communist so I will be ok.” …

  • The thing is, it’s not going to be “communism vs fascism” because those in power know people don’t like that word “fascist.” Change this to communism vs capitalism and see how those views change. What it will be is actual fascists, not calling themselves fascists, attacking actual communists, that DO call themselves communists. And people will mostly just let it happen because all those “support communism” people are mostly a mix of what? Liberals, Soc Dems, Dem Socs, moderates, etc, etc.

    They will sit by and do nothing cause they will think “well the communists are being too extreme. We should compromise. The government isn’t actual fascism or anything. I mean, I’M not a communist.” Ect. Ect.

    I’m not trying to be pessimistic. I’m just being logical and not letting myself get into some false sense that the UK is someone on the cusp of going communist.

  • They weren’t hacked. A Li-ion battery doesn’t explode like that. It might flash and burn and injure you but those explosions are… explosive in nature. I had read some comments elsewhere saying these pagers were manufactured by some shell company in Taiwan. Idk how true that is but in one way or another, these pagers very likely had actual explosives put in them. It’s way easier to rig up a small explosive to go off at the ring of a certain number then to “hack” it to cause the battery to somehow explode in a way those batteries don’t actually explode.

  • Listen, your entire argument is fundamentally flawed from the get go. You are looking at nukes as if they only kill people. Your analysis does nothing to account for infrastructural damage. Primarily energy and communications. China wouldn’t even need 100 nukes to land to wipe out 80% of the US population. They could do it with a dozen or so.

    The energy grid of the US is so dilapidated that the destruction of 9 key substations would wipe out power for almost the entire country. Estimates that it would be 18 months before power was restored. In that time is estimated 80% of the population would die. The country would be in absolute chaos. They couldn’t fight a war because the population would be tearing itself apart just trying to survive. Most people couldn’t even cook a meal without electricity. Houses, stoves, etc. are designed for it anymore. Water treatment, refrigeration, etc. without power then manufacturing goes out the window.

    Even if they didn’t hit those exact substations, a couple hundred nukes would still do so much damage to the grid that it would take years to begin restoring electricity to the country in any reasonable level. When the country fall apart that bad the military itself will fall apart. Cut off supply to every ship and base outside of the US landmass and see how long they hold up. See if the USs vassal states stay loyal when the home country is literally ripping itself to pieces for their neighbors canned food.

    You obsession with nuclear deterrents being solely about how many people die in the initial blasts has no basis on reality. People are not just little NPCs standing around waiting to be ordered to do a thing. They need infrastructure and resources to survive.