There’s no reason to take the “Low Road.” Dems dont have to get down in the mud, and lie, cheat, and steal to win, they just have to play HARD BALL, and force the Republicans to follow the law, the rules, ethics, and especially the Constitution.
It would have been really helpful ifntheyd started doing this during the Bush administration, and not waited until the MAGA Nazi Criminal Emterprise had alreadybwrecked and stolen nearly everything, but they can start now.
And part of playing Hard Ball is dehumanizing the MAGA Nazis by applying insulting knicknames. Itbwill be more effective against them because they are treasonous criminals, sonthe names really stick.
Some suggestions:
HitlerPig or Agent Krasnov
Couchfucker Vance
Kapo Stephen “PeeWee Himmler” Miller
Steve “Unwiped Asshole” Bannon
Lauren Boobert
Empty G
Big Booby Bondi
Goldigging Whore (applies to several, but specifically the Press Secretary)
Nobody’s ratifying anything. I’m using these names no matter what anyone says. But they are pretty good names (I especially like PeeWee Himmler), so I’m putting them out there and hoping others use them as well.
You are naive if you think you won’t get dogpiled by your own side for using even these names. To most of the naive liberals and leftists, the things you’re describing IS the “low road.”
The left doesn’t want to win, they want to be angry. But they’re not as stupid as the right so that anger has to take the form of more complicated rationalizations, which is why you get people on your own side attacking you for making fun of some conservative chud’s penis size or other physical characteristics.
I’m not a Democrat, so I really don’t care what they think. They have nothing but a losing strategy, so I’m doing my part to inflict damage on the MAGA Nazis without them, whether they like it or not.
There’s no reason to take the “Low Road.” Dems dont have to get down in the mud, and lie, cheat, and steal to win, they just have to play HARD BALL, and force the Republicans to follow the law, the rules, ethics, and especially the Constitution.
It would have been really helpful ifntheyd started doing this during the Bush administration, and not waited until the MAGA Nazi Criminal Emterprise had alreadybwrecked and stolen nearly everything, but they can start now.
And part of playing Hard Ball is dehumanizing the MAGA Nazis by applying insulting knicknames. Itbwill be more effective against them because they are treasonous criminals, sonthe names really stick.
Some suggestions:
HitlerPig or Agent Krasnov
Couchfucker Vance
Kapo Stephen “PeeWee Himmler” Miller
Steve “Unwiped Asshole” Bannon
Lauren Boobert
Empty G
Big Booby Bondi
Goldigging Whore (applies to several, but specifically the Press Secretary)
Nazis (applies to all Republicans)
Pedophiles (applies to all Republicans)
Criminals (applies to all Republicans)
Most important of all:
Traitors (applies to ALL Republicans)
Just like democrats to ratify insults by committee.
Nobody’s ratifying anything. I’m using these names no matter what anyone says. But they are pretty good names (I especially like PeeWee Himmler), so I’m putting them out there and hoping others use them as well.
Besides, I’m not Democrat.
They’re fine insults. So was hot wheels.
No one at comedy roasts takes these oversensitive criticisms of “the virtuous way to insult” seriously. Why is that?
It’s a distraction.
The only one I can’t get onboard with is Leavitt’s. That’s no way to talk about whores, comparing them to her. Have a little decency!
You are naive if you think you won’t get dogpiled by your own side for using even these names. To most of the naive liberals and leftists, the things you’re describing IS the “low road.”
The left doesn’t want to win, they want to be angry. But they’re not as stupid as the right so that anger has to take the form of more complicated rationalizations, which is why you get people on your own side attacking you for making fun of some conservative chud’s penis size or other physical characteristics.
I’m not a Democrat, so I really don’t care what they think. They have nothing but a losing strategy, so I’m doing my part to inflict damage on the MAGA Nazis without them, whether they like it or not.