Less. If someone has root privs on your phone they can screenshot without your notice and send those shots wherever they want, encryption or self-deleting messaging apps be damned.
I mean, they provide the operating system and push updates to your phone via a trusted channel, so yeah you’re kinda extending them 100% trust already. I’m more thinking about malware authors here though; criminals or governments (or criminal governments) slipping shady shit onto your phone without your noticing.
Rooted phones with signal are more secure or less secure?
Less. If someone has root privs on your phone they can screenshot without your notice and send those shots wherever they want, encryption or self-deleting messaging apps be damned.
So if Google has root privileges (does it automatically on Android? ) then they can screenshot whatever they like?
I mean, they provide the operating system and push updates to your phone via a trusted channel, so yeah you’re kinda extending them 100% trust already. I’m more thinking about malware authors here though; criminals or governments (or criminal governments) slipping shady shit onto your phone without your noticing.