We’ll have an fda, once they rip it to sheds they’ll stock it with whoever they want to and then say look we fixed the fraud, listen to these guys now. Having a government agency that can say “no drug that competes with an oligarchs drug you can’t be approved” or “yes, you can shove unproven computer tech into people brains” is far to powerful to throw completely away.
They could do the same with DoE and it isn’t saving that agency. There’s no particular reason the FDA would fare any better. They’ll strip it to the bone and some states will cheerfully make it completely legal for their citizens.
We’ll see. I feel like there’s more value keeping around the institution which says what substances and food you can or cannot sell and who can or cannot sell them than there is in the institution dedicated to making sure everyone has schooling, indoctrination is easier if people are stupid.
No FDA means no one to stop it! 😂
We’ll have an fda, once they rip it to sheds they’ll stock it with whoever they want to and then say look we fixed the fraud, listen to these guys now. Having a government agency that can say “no drug that competes with an oligarchs drug you can’t be approved” or “yes, you can shove unproven computer tech into people brains” is far to powerful to throw completely away.
They’ll start giving returning Americans titer tests and locking up people with immunity up
They could do the same with DoE and it isn’t saving that agency. There’s no particular reason the FDA would fare any better. They’ll strip it to the bone and some states will cheerfully make it completely legal for their citizens.
We’ll see. I feel like there’s more value keeping around the institution which says what substances and food you can or cannot sell and who can or cannot sell them than there is in the institution dedicated to making sure everyone has schooling, indoctrination is easier if people are stupid.