The venn diagram of totalitarian regimes which restrict the free movement of citizens is basically a circle, it’s coming as soon as they think they can get away with it
Outside of war time concerns over draft dodgers (which is not restricted to totalitarian regimes), there are no “extra” restrictions on citizens outside of needing a passport. There ARE restrictions placed on “political opponents” but that can be considered an extension of the “normal” restrictions on people with pending legal issues and so forth and gets into a greater discussion of the role of law in a society.
No. The big restriction is monetary. Which is also how control is maintained and oligarchs are protected.
The US is rapidly speedruning a christofacist oligarchy. But that is still going to be a lot closer to a Russia or a China than a North Korea. The latter is possible and should be feared but would require a massive shift that takes away the “Things are bad for me but they are worse for Them” that conservatives globally depend on.
russia mostly, since alot of red state more or less mirrors russia in some form. and they are the ones that had a hand in gops rise to power, and continuance, and funding right wing groups(white supremecist, alt-right). china has thier own problems, and would rather steal tech instead of developing it themselves.
The venn diagram of totalitarian regimes which restrict the free movement of citizens is basically a circle, it’s coming as soon as they think they can get away with it
The US is following the (modern) russian model.
Outside of war time concerns over draft dodgers (which is not restricted to totalitarian regimes), there are no “extra” restrictions on citizens outside of needing a passport. There ARE restrictions placed on “political opponents” but that can be considered an extension of the “normal” restrictions on people with pending legal issues and so forth and gets into a greater discussion of the role of law in a society.
No. The big restriction is monetary. Which is also how control is maintained and oligarchs are protected.
The US is rapidly speedruning a christofacist oligarchy. But that is still going to be a lot closer to a Russia or a China than a North Korea. The latter is possible and should be feared but would require a massive shift that takes away the “Things are bad for me but they are worse for Them” that conservatives globally depend on.
russia mostly, since alot of red state more or less mirrors russia in some form. and they are the ones that had a hand in gops rise to power, and continuance, and funding right wing groups(white supremecist, alt-right). china has thier own problems, and would rather steal tech instead of developing it themselves.