I’m not sure that pointing out the hypocrisy is even useful. I’m nearing 40 and “but it’s okay when we do it” has always been a core tenant of conservatism. They don’t give a shit that they’re hypocrites, they don’t care, I’ve boxed them in on it before and it always just boils down to “it’s okay for us because I said so”. I think it’s maybe more useful to move past the identification of hypocrisy and start engaging in conversations about accountability. That is, conversations about hypocrisy without conversations about what kind of accountability you’d like to see are moot. So, let’s move past “can you believe this shit? But her emails? Do you feel like the hypocrites you are yet?” to “your boy did something fucking stupid. I don’t care about your excuses, fire him.”
I’m not sure that pointing out the hypocrisy is even useful. I’m nearing 40 and “but it’s okay when we do it” has always been a core tenant of conservatism. They don’t give a shit that they’re hypocrites, they don’t care, I’ve boxed them in on it before and it always just boils down to “it’s okay for us because I said so”. I think it’s maybe more useful to move past the identification of hypocrisy and start engaging in conversations about accountability. That is, conversations about hypocrisy without conversations about what kind of accountability you’d like to see are moot. So, let’s move past “can you believe this shit? But her emails? Do you feel like the hypocrites you are yet?” to “your boy did something fucking stupid. I don’t care about your excuses, fire him.”
That’s true! We just assume that by pointing out the naughty behavior Someone will Do Something because honest people expect honest reactions.
Dishonest people cannot have honest reactions, their words mean nothing, they respond only to personal suffering and nothing else.