I got myself a V60 (along with the honker kettle) in order to finally enjoy lighter roasts. I already have a timemore grinder and a mid range lelit espresso machine so I just wanted something to cleanse my palate and explore more varieties of coffees.
Currently I use the 15g coffee in, 5 pours ending with total of 250g over 3 minutes. I have modified the method to have more sweetness by pouring more water on second pour than rest. Pouring in a spiral motion going from center.
What are some other must know tips and core logic? What changes the flavor and what doesn’t?
You may find that all the extra attention to details as water temperature or precise pouring pace may be unnecessary for you, at least at first. I was intimidated too, especially for the equipment, but then I started brewing using a normal kitchen scale and a stove kettle without thermometer, only relying on the boiling point, and I have to say surely I have less control over the final result but still I enjoyed very very good cups of coffee So I’d suggest you to just give it a shot doing your best but without unnecessarily hassle and improve your technique a bit at time