Show me a single comment providing me with a single source. Not one has been provided, and I even double-checked on .world in case there was one I wasn’t federated with. You are a liar and a troll.
The main article is a source, literally call Nina turners office and people there will eli-a very slow 3yr old just for you and your oh so special need to have everything spoon fed to you.
Really, Nina Turner will tell me that people are less likely to join a union if they’ve received a college education? Somehow, I think you might be full of shit.
I didn’t ask if they’d “discuss unionization with me.” I’m sure they would! What they wouldn’t do is back up your complete bullshit, unsourced troll claim that college education makes people less likely to join unions.
You edited your comment to add demographic information of any kind for the first time, however, that document does not break down union membership demographics by college education, so it is completely irrelevant to the point being discussed.
Moreover, even if the majority of members in a union, or even in unions in general, are not college educated, that’s still not the claim being discussed. The question is whether college educated people are more likely to belong to a union than non-college educated people are. Since there are more people without college educations, most unions are probably primarily people without college educations, despite people with college educations being overrepresented relative to their size in the general population.
Show me a single comment providing me with a single source. Not one has been provided, and I even double-checked on .world in case there was one I wasn’t federated with. You are a liar and a troll.
The main article is a source, literally call Nina turners office and people there will eli-a very slow 3yr old just for you and your oh so special need to have everything spoon fed to you.
Really, Nina Turner will tell me that people are less likely to join a union if they’ve received a college education? Somehow, I think you might be full of shit.
They will discuss unionization at length with you, yes. Have you ever called a representative before?
I didn’t ask if they’d “discuss unionization with me.” I’m sure they would! What they wouldn’t do is back up your complete bullshit, unsourced troll claim that college education makes people less likely to join unions.
They have the demographics you want as do others but they will sit there and talk to you until you get it.
I provided the demographics dumb guy.
No, you didn’t, liar.
Three times now.
You haven’t provided it a single time, let alone three. Link one time you provided it.
You edited your comment to add demographic information of any kind for the first time, however, that document does not break down union membership demographics by college education, so it is completely irrelevant to the point being discussed.
Moreover, even if the majority of members in a union, or even in unions in general, are not college educated, that’s still not the claim being discussed. The question is whether college educated people are more likely to belong to a union than non-college educated people are. Since there are more people without college educations, most unions are probably primarily people without college educations, despite people with college educations being overrepresented relative to their size in the general population.