You know, this is interesting.
Trump has power, but it’s granted to him by authority of Congress. He has legal immunity for official acts as president, by authority of the supreme Court.
The theory of the balance of power means that Congress can strip him of that authority, and the supreme Court can determine if an act is official or not or if he actually has immunity or not.
The way this works is based on money and sanctions (imprisonment, revocation of clearances, etc).
The court can deputize anyone. Ultimately, what that means, is that as long as the court wishes to retain its power, it needs to enforce decisions.
If the Supreme Court, namely Roberts, actually has his own interests in mind, the court can act accordingly. Otherwise, it’s just theater.
We will now find out if the court still wishes to maintain its power, or if it has none at all.
“For more than two centuries, it has been established that impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision,” Roberts said in a statement on Trump’s demand.
Yeah, and for more than two centuries, our Presidents didn’t have the Supreme Court anointing them as all-but a king immune from prosecution, but here we are.
Can we just fucking get a ruling that ignoring court orders is not a “Presidential act”? This is a person, trying to escape accountability.
Hey if this escalates maybe they’ll impeach each other.
The solution is clearly to lock them in a room with a single knife in the center. Only one may exit.
A grenade would resolve better.
Knife fight is likely to be bloody. We’re not obligated to give first aid to the one who walks out.
Please fucking God put me in there too
If it escalates they’ll take a request for review of their earlier king making decision and hold it as misinterpreted which they can 100% do and that would remove criminal immunity for charges prior to the ruling.
Well, sure, but before they render a decision, Trump can just have them killed, which at this moment is totally cool and legal, according to them. He can also have all of congress killed, which sort of blunts the possibility of impeachment, which as of right now is the only way to punish him in any way, according to SCOTUS.
Could. Sure. Likely to, nah you need a court system to appear legitimate.
Show me: Top 10 list of things that the current Supreme Court will never do.
You dramatically misunderstand how hard power clings to power and moreover with this court money. If their judgements have no effect there’s no reason to buy them anymore.
This is the kicker.
If the Supreme Court is seen as defunct, the court is no longer valuable. All those bribes they received will stop, and I would imagine some may come asking for it back with fewer words.
Good thing you just ruled that the president has broad immunity for official acts as president, ya know basically making him a king in all but name.
Well, there’s no way anyone could have known that Trump would abuse that power.
Other than the past decade of him abusing every little bit of power he could, of course.
Trump seems like a reasonable guy, im sure he would never abuse that power.
Trump seems like a treasonable guy, im sure he would
neveralways abuse that power.
Well … trump SHOULD be impeached. Ignoring the law should be an absolute nono.
The Senate is trying to pass laws to make dissenting opinions seen as a mental illness. You really think they have enough votes for impeachment? lol
That’s the Minnesota state senate.
It’s not my sanity that’s gone missing…, so No, I have no such illusions / hopes
“He didn’t WIN the popular VOTE (by a lot!), he didn’t WIN ALL SEVEN SWING STATES, he didn’t WIN 2,750 to 525 Counties,” Trump wrote, referring to his own accomplishments of those benchmarks in the 2024 election. “HE DIDN’T WIN ANYTHING!”
Oh for fucks sake, just shut the fuck up already. This is all you’re going to say each time you feel wronged. It’s not a mandate you stupid fuck and you lost the popular vote twice.
And the irony is lost on you.
It is all projection.
Hey Roberts - go fuck yourself.
A bit of buyer’s remorse from Roberts haha
Perhaps it’s starting to dawn on him that his power as a judge is under threat.
Leopards would never eat a judge’s face.
Not without some au jus for dipping.
On both sides, seems like. Trump regrets Roberts, Roberts regrets Trump.
Time to reap your whirlwind, you som of a bitch
You’re so fuckin far out of your element, Johnny
Leopard eating faces all over the place.
Can I interest you in my new investment venture? It’s essentially Kitty Ozempic. We’re predicting the market for it to grow by 8000% over 4 years because of all the fat leopards.
When even the chief clown of the institution that gave you even more power thinks you’re going too far, it might be too far.
I dunno what to tell you, man. You reap what you sow.
Sadly, for the most part, the rest of us reap what he sowed. He’ll be fine.