Edit: apparently they’re posters you can download https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1KPaA4jNHcWLFNbjl4M1Q5HxXROnZtYXd
I came here at the suggestion of others on reddit. I’m still trying to figure out how to find the groups/info that I’m interested in. Looking forward to conversations where comments are unnecessarily removed.
r/europe was as much of a right-wing cesspool as r/worldnews since forever. You all were fine with that.
Now look at all of you crybabies bcs the full on fascist tok over from your precious fascist lite.
Anyone wo wasn’t banned waaaay before has clearly not had the balls to even mildly criticise a genocide or whatever.
Bunch of manufactured consent tools, and then think they are in some way more respectable.Fuck reddit.
Hell yeah brother.
Because they are Nazi sympathizers.
Because reddit is pro-nazi dump, of course. That’s why we’re here, isn’t it?
I deleted my reddit account yesterday. I used Revedit and I realised that most of the comments I had made on there had been removed or hidden without me ever realising…
I was blown away by how many completely normal comments (just part of discussions, not even political) have been removed. Pretty sure reddit automod is broken and I’m not sure if reddit devs are even aware of it
I deleted my account yesterday too, I came to Lemmy on the API Exodus and very occasionally checked Reddit but never came around to delete my account until now. Same with my Twitter account.
Tesla is losing a pile of cash, anyone know how low it needs to go until Musk is going to get a margin call and the whole thing comes crumbling down? He has leveraged himself to the max.
~$100 was what I’ve seen claimed, but I dont think anyone but the Saudis really know.
deleted by creator
Perma banned for a mild comment on some post about billionaires… oh well
Same, the french would’ve had my back
I just deleted my reddit account. 🤟😎
Same. Too much censorship, too many bots
This is so sad to see. I had many years of fun on reddit. I wish it wouldnt have become so commercialized. Money just ruins shit too often
There should be a law that when you go public ipo you have to change your brand name. It ain’t Reddit anymore.
wait, you mean ash cans and unobtainable dollars aren’t the thing we should all be aspiring to?
Reddit sure loves to protect U.S. fascists.
Just the US ones?
all the big media corporations do. so weird. probably a coincidence.
LOL. have you tried feddit de/org
it is not the platform that is a problem. it is humans. like in homo sapiens. and it is illegal to go to next level homo sapiens sapiens because it makes the dumb kida know they arw stupid.
It’s become pretty clear that Reddit has chosen to slide into corpo-fascism. Don’t be surprised when signs of dissent are squashed, when rebellious subreddits are systematically suppressed until they’re removed entirely, when the accounts of those who resist are closed and IP banned. Abandon all hope of free expression there, they’ve chosen their side and aren’t going to entertain the opposition any longer.
After 12 years, and nearly a million karma, i was permabanned right after HitlerPig was inaugurated, for repeating an opinion that i have stated many times. Nobody ever said a word until HitlerPig was in office, then suddenly I was permabanned. I came over to Lemmy, only to find i wasn’t alone.
I suspect the reason is because Ohanion wamts to buy TikTok, and he knows that HitlerPig will be making the decision personally, based on who smooches his ass, follows his orders, and pays the biggest bribe. So as a show of good faith, he abandons Reddit’s doctrine of Free Speech.
Reddit’s doctrine of Free Speech.
lol. this is the company that to this day makes zero mention of Aaron Swartz as a cofounder.
Man that is such a painful travesty. I can’t imagine trashing your friend and cofounder into the trash like that after what happened. We will remember Aaron.
no but see corporations are your friends and can be loyal to stuff.
This is the advantage of decentralized platforms like Lemmy. One billionaire can’t screw things up for millions of users. They would have to take over all 600 Instances in many different countries to control it.
And then someone would just make a new instance or platform anyways lol
I started deleting saved posts and comments today - planning to delete my account when that’s all done.
Deleted my Reddit account after more than a decade today.