According to former United States general Ben Hodges, the withdrawal of US troops from Europe is only a matter of time. In an interview with SonntagsBlick, he advises Switzerland to prepare for war.

    4 days ago

    china fascist

    maoist policymakers tried to do the same rapid industrialization that stalin did in the ussr and failed, but it was by no means the main reason for the famine. i will remind you again that china was one of the poorest countries in the world and you don’t build strong infrastructure to feed everyone reliably overnight. it was also greatly exagerated by the west, as always.

    the thing is, though, that this was about 70-ish years ago? china has enjoyed record economic growth, and improvement on the lives of average citizens. of course i’m not saying its perfect and they have many Ls but when push comes to shove, its nothing short of amazing seeing what they were able to achieve in just 50-60 years. especially coming from a country that can get as poor as they were back then in some regions. they have struck a good balance between free markets and state control, and they are slowly transitioning away from capitalist free markets as it lives out its usefulness.

    i find the “china bad” rhetoric of many westerners to be a bit disingenious because you can attribute similar catastrophes to most countries if you look to their past.

    Chileans Bolivia and Venezuela?

    i asked you to check out chilean socialism precisely because their electoral system was attacked easily and quickly, with dire consequences. please check it out, its eye-opening to why voting socialism in rarely works, even if the socialist somehow manages to win with the burgeois puting their fingers on the scale. sometimes violence is the only way, sometimes it is not. sometimes going back to a parlimentary-like system like china is necessary, sometimes you can do direct elections like cuba. good on the countries that manage to do this more peacefully, but blame not the victims for trying to defend themselves.

    venezuela is victim to constant destabilization attempts in the form of sanctions and attacks to its elections. it literally just happened again last year, they are unable to enact good policy and move further than the frankly kind of weird socialism they built. i wouldnt say they are managing well, nor that they have a good future ahead. their situation is closer to cuba in that the sanctions do the brunt of the damage.

    i don’t know about bolivia enough to talk about it without saying some wrong bullshit, so ill abstain.

    antagonizing me for something I am unable to apologize for

    i’m simply explaining to you something that you might have not noticed, judging by the content of your posts. i’m sorry if sometimes i come across as frustrated with some of this. it really is peachy for westerners to be saying “just vote! we have all these things by voting :D” to us when it goes much deeper and is sometimes related to that. europeans can keep whatever system they want as long as they treat others fairly.

    with that said, socialism is a system that allows for the comforts you have, but not the excess consumption you enjoy. it is, however, a system not so dependent on exploiting poor people to keep the rich rich. i don’t actually expect many westerners to think about revolution before suffering through capitalist crisis from losing their colonies and/or not being able to grow forever.

    us fascism looks to be just that, so they are trying to turn the exploitation inwards. socialism is a proven way to stop fascism, but i don’t expect americans will do it until it gets really bad either.