Red Bull - European but Far right
Buy European but … Also with ethical considerations.
Red Bull might sound cool, but they have their own TV station in Austria. (servus TV) And that station js beyond far right. Spreading disinformation, and Russian propaganda, Corona Bullshi, Ivermectint, cleaning stuff with chlorid, climate change deniers, … If there is a conspiracy they support it …
(And it’s also not very healthy,…)
Reminder: Arguing and discussion is okay, but keep it civil and do not attack the person you are arguing with.
Edit: locking discussion as we don’t have enough resources to keep an eye on this post.
A tip for new users: if you want to continue the discussion of a locked post: there is a community for continuing discussions on locked posts !
Did you just got here from reddit or what? Or is it some toung in cheek /s stuff too elaborate for me?
No, I’m not new. This account is new because you can’t use mod tools properly if your account is on a separate instance from the modded community (e.g. you don’t get reports, can’t sticky stuff, etc).
And you also might not actually see the whole discussion going on here since you are on due to defederation between and other instances and so. I’m just reminding everyone to keep it civil since this community has had heated discussions before and the discussion easily slips into nationalism, which is against our rules.
Are you a moderator? Of .world or maybe on your server? Just trying to figure it out here.
No worries, I’m a mod on ! community. Not an admin on .world or, just a user that is also a moderator of
Just like Teslas being shitty cars, Red Bull is a crappy beverage. There was never a good reason to drink this junk.
Kongstrong for the Win
That stuff is so vile. Seriously, the only good thing about it is that you won’t waste a lot of money on it to know it’s bad given it’s cheap. I tried every flavour and all of them are awful.
Also, it’s full of sugar and caffeine and is really bad for you.
The cheap LIDL alternative is super good, just like Freeway Cola wich is also super good.
Kong Strong. And it’s like half a euro at my Lidl.
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Ahh. So “far right” as in not repeating western propaganda. Not “far right” as in the literal Nazi parties rising throughout Europe again.
The conspiridorks are fascists now, it’s been that way for a decade.
So just accuse anti-war speech of supporting Russia, and then you can accuse anyone opposing war of being fascist. Textbook fascism posing as anti-fascist.
So y’all become gravely concerned over the influence of peace advocates, while letting RN/AfD/FdI/NATO steamroll across Europe with their corporate partners. Insanity.
Fuck off loser, Russia can stop this war at any moment by ending the invasion and you know it.
I try to buy european but i think it’s important to remind ourselves that we have shit companies in Europe that don’t deserve our business. Red Bull, Nestlé, Müllermilch all these mf can suck it.
I’d also throw Bayer into that list. Knowingly had HIV contaminated blood, considered the amount of money they’d lose by destroying it, so they supplied it to patients in Latin America and Asia. Bayer considered the investment they had in the contaminated product, decided NOT to destroy it, for profits sake, and infected thousands of people with it. They misrepresented the results to not lose money and killed thousands.
I know pharmaceutical companies is a giant mess, but Bayer is on par with Nestle for me.
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Following this logic i’d end up buying nothing or absolute crap. Example: i really liked Kellogg’s corn flakes and i tried to switch to a local brand (Cerealitalia) but unfortunately is tastes bad. In the biggest supermarket of my town it’s Kellogg’s, Nestlè or Cerealitalia so it’s US, shitty company or shitty product. Same goes for Coca Cola: it’s Coca Cola, Pepsi or the coke with the same brand of the supermarket (tastes meh). I’m trying but it’s not easy at all.
I’m trying but it’s not easy at all.
I think that’s what it’s about. I am not perfect, your are not, nobody is. Time, money, availability of products and all that are constraints that sometimes just don’t allow for a “good” product. Like someone else here wrote: a marathon not a sprint. I try to be happy about good alternatives that i find and not worry to much where i can’t. After all a trip to the supermarket shouldn’t feel like shit.
i mean, personally if i had to pick between a shitty company and a shitty product, i’d just pick neither unlesa it was a necessity
What’s up with Müllermilch? I haven’t bought it in a while because it wasn’t very healthy anyway. But i didn’t know the company itself was bad
Owner is cozy with the AFD
The CEO meets up with the AfD on the regular to discuss Nazi things.
Red Bull also tastes like shit.
This is disinformation at its finest. Red Bull absolutely does NOT taste like shit. It tastes like piss.
Tell me you’ve never drunken piss, without saying that you’ve never drunken piss. Piss tastes heavenly, compared to Red Bull.
I am permanently banned from making Reddit accounts because I got about 4 of them banned for “promoting violence”.
The violence? Telling people it was a good thing to punch Nazis. Reddit is a Nazi safe space.
I got banned, three times so far, for baiting and calling out ruzzian trolls. Apparently, telling them to go dig a fresh latrine pit for babushka, is inciting violence. Assholes.
Remember when you could say things like “The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi”? Wasn’t even that long ago.
Seriously, fuck Nazis. All of a sudden you’ve got Nazis in government and we’re supposed to act like you should tolerate that shit. Hmmm.
I got a warning for upvoting pro-Canada stuff like “elbows up”. That is apparently promoting violence.
Yikes, Reddit is slowly killing itself. I remember years ago it was more the opposite - there were some seriously disturbing subs because they didn’t want any censorship. Now the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction and it’s hard to say anything of substance without getting warned or banned
Well yeah, you’re promoting the same kind of violence that Ukraine continues to perpetrate on Russia.
Go fertilize a sunflower, Yuri :)
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“The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw, and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.”
Athur Harris described an element of the fascist mindset to a T with this quote, this bully mentality that can not comprehend the would-be victims fighting back.
I wonder why it applies so thoroughly to Russia?
Yeah, at this point Reddit is a sinking ship. Been using it for so long too. A little sad to see it go, but it’s a shell of what it used to be.
o Reddit is no place for normal people
Yep, permanently banned here for “ban evasion” though I only know 1 sub I was banned from and I never went there after. That’s okay, helped me quit what is clearly a hollow shell of user participation filled with a corpo bot sludge. It’s really easy to VPN up and make another account anyway, but why play in the garbage heap?
Interestingly, the site wide rules about violence are only supposed to be credible calls to action. Like if someone was actually planning to murder people and coordinating it on the site.
Saying you’d like to punch someone, even if they aren’t a Nazi, isn’t against the rules as they are written. Either they don’t understand their own rules, they are lazy fuckers who don’t want to do their jobs the correct way and actually investigate shit to make sure it actually violates the rules, or they are Nazi pieces of shit.
Not one of these things makes using the site sound like a good idea.
A system is what it does. Action matters more than intent. Reddit bans anti Nazi rhetoric, therefore it is a pro Nazi website.
Don’t lie, it doesn’t.
I was banned for “promoting violence” by saying, in a thread mocking Musk’s AI, that someone managed to get Musk’s AI to say that Musk and Trump deserve the death penalty.
Reddit is 100% defending Nazis by extending their definition of “promoting violence” to extreme lengths if you say something against the oligarchs and nazis but will twiddle their thumbs when people are literally calling to hurt and/or kill immigrants, non-white people or LGBTQ+ people.
Have been writing many times that burgerlanders should eliminate Trump, Musk, etc if they want to have their country. Not once has my account been even suspended. Only where I have been suspended was only Russian - Ukraine war subreddid few times. And last time after appellation they opened again.
My 5 banned accounts would say otherwise.
Well so much of free speach here. Ok, my account is too new here for posting a screenshot. But I was banned from @meme for saying that comminism is not great. So, what we have? In reddit farright as you say and in Lemm farleft?
Without checking, this was probably the .ml version of memes, luckily there are several other meme communities
Checked, yes, it was .ml version:)
But also be mindful of the fact that the more rules you add for people to be part of a movement, the less members the movement will have.
The “Buy European” protest is about sending a message of resistance against the current US regime, as well as reducing reliance on US products.
It doesn’t require you to only buy ethically spotless products.
That simply isn’t possible in our system.@superkret
I’m more of the avoid-US(-and-some-others) stance.
@SwordOfOtto @EuropeanMadeThe post is not a “rule”. OP didn’t even ask people to stop using Red Bull. I’m glad to have more information.
If you really enjoy Red Bull, you’re an adult, make your choices. Personally, I can take it or leave it, so I’ll choose to leave it.
I didn’t know redbull was European and I didn’t know servus tv belonged to redbull
Red bull is original thai
Damn, red bull is my energy drink of choice. Anyone got a good alternative that doesn’t use alternative sweetener? So many of them use them and I can’t stand the flavor they have.
Regular good night sleep and avoiding junk food will give you wiiiiings
You can’t put that in a can to drink though
The one from LIDL
I drink coffee and Decathlon isotonic drink, one after the other, and it makes me great.
Club Mate is my energy drink of choice. Made in Germany.
Any off-brand energy is fine. Aldi has a pretty good one though it does use artificial sweeteners instead of, or in combination with, sugar.
Alternatively, give mate a try. Mio Mio has lots of flavours to choose from. The classic Club Mate is also always a gold choice. Pomegranate and peach iced tea are my favourites :)
I usually buy my energy drinks from gas stations, so I guess I’ll have to see what off brands they have. I am interested in mate, I’ll have to see what’s available near me. Thank you.
It also tastes like shit and is prohibitively expensive compared to many energy drink brands
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Also has even higher chances of giving you kidney stones than other sodas iirc
But isn’t that all energy drinks? Not that I have any clue, the only times I ever drank them was when I was 17 and they were mixed with vodka.
The ol’ heart exploder cocktail.
Idk honestly but I have read this factoid specifically about red bull several times on the Internet so it must be true (/s)
I don’t drink Red bull but still would like a more thorough article or information about this
Wikipedia provides a starting point!
I don’t drink it because it’s trash, but I had no idea about any of this. The word needs to be spread.
Servus TV is a TV station based in Wals-Siezenheim in the Austrian state of Salzburgand owned by Red Bull Media House GmbH, a subsidiary of Red Bull GmbH, which also publishes the magazine Servus in Stadt und Land. The station is the successor to Salzburg TV, founded in 1995 and rebranded in 2009. It is politically aligned with the far right.
C’mon you have the fucking Internet, you can just search this shit yourself if you want more information.
It’s normal to expect from OP to provide source for their claim.
It’s not good to not be able to research yourself.
They asked for more information about a topic in which they were interested, on a forum designed to spread information. I don’t think you can reasonably fault the person asking for more information of being lazy, when the OP could be considered equally lazy for not including the context in the first place, right?
Either way you’re right, being able to look things up is a good skill to have! But maybe don’t be a jerk about it, we left reddit for a reason, right? ;)
Welcome to the spot, you’re absolutely right and the world could use more people that think like you.
For real, keep being you at all costs, you’re awesome.
Lets say 5000 people see this post - should it be normal and expected that 5000 people spend their time hunting down a source to a claim, or have a single OP include it in their post?
Should it be normal or expected that 5000 people read and believe something without self verifying it beyond what could be cherry picked or outright false examples by an OP?
Me when I refuse to admit I’m wrong so I attack the argument I wish they had made vs the point they actually did
Good for you!
No one said they’re unable to research, asking for a source is normal imo. Supporting claims with sources in the first place would be better, the internet is overrun by fake news and lies. Most don’t take the time to research everything they see online. It’s simply a big researchers team’s full time job to research everything you see scrolling 10 minutes on any platform. So when stating a claim or posting a story, you should support it with sources or otherwise you should be asked to do so.
Why would you assume they aren’t able? They just said they’d like more information, not that they can’t go get it themselves…
You can also just ignore them.
C’mon you have the fucking Internet, you can just search this shit yourself if you want more information.
No I don’t think I will.
Damn, “Servus in Stadt und Land” doesn’t even need a translation to realize how racist it is.
I speak german and there is nothing rascist about that sentence.
Maybe next time use a translator just in case before commenting mate. Servus is the name of the TV station, “in city and country” is very hard for me, impossible really, to find anything racist in it.
I grew up in “the city in the country.” Look up “Poway.” It’s a dog whistle. Temecula is doing the same thing.
“Motto: “The City in the Country” ; Location in San Diego County ; Poway, California is located in San Diego County, California.”
"The motto of Temecula, California is “Old Traditions, New Opportunities”
You guys need to catch up with what’s going on.
They’re doing the same exact thing. It’s “make the land I’m from, return to normalcy.”
Servus literally means “Hello” in many German dialects, especially in Austria:
Servus, and various local variants thereof, is a salutation used in many parts of Central and Eastern Europe. It is a word of greeting or parting like the Italian ciao (which also comes from the slave meaning through Venetian s’ciavo).
Also, it is used precisely because most people were servants a dozen or more centuries ago.
That’s only one word in the greeting