"It's so perfect as a great and cherished state. Keeping, 'Oh, Canada,' the national anthem, I love it. I think it's great. Keep it. But it'll be for the state."
Download the manual from the RCMP regardless. Study it, if they invade you will likely come across a fire arm, and it would be best if you knew the very basics.
I wonder if “concern of a future us invasion” is a reason that disqualifies you from getting a PAL
Download the manual from the RCMP regardless. Study it, if they invade you will likely come across a fire arm, and it would be best if you knew the very basics.
You mean this https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2015/grc-rcmp/PS99-2-2-1-2014-eng.pdf
Apparently lessons are booked months ahead already, everyone’s educating themselves.
Well I guess I should book now, thanks