Common Dreams has been publishing for over 20 years, and is considered a generally reliable source of left-leaning news. It has a better rep than HuffPo or Breitbart, and it started in roughly the same era.
My theory is that we’re in an ‘emperor has no clothes’ situation, where a cult of sycophants has nourished itself on a leader with a genuine case of cognitive decline, and who are too afraid, because of the sunk cost or a fear of banishment or retribution, to point out this flaw or contradict their madman.
You see them parrot his insane talking point with such glee because the madness and fervour are contagions. Within the cult, the insanity is self perpetuating, and the longer you’re in, the crazier you become. 15 or 20 years ago, these same people probably had fairly typical views and opinions and, if confronted by their past self, would now only see a stranger or a traitor. Their past self might look at what they’ve become and wonder, “What did I do to deserve that?!”
Is Common Dreams reliable? It sounds like something you’d name your high school blog. Any reporting if this elsewhere?
Common Dreams has been publishing for over 20 years, and is considered a generally reliable source of left-leaning news. It has a better rep than HuffPo or Breitbart, and it started in roughly the same era.
Huh. TIL. Never heard of it before.
First time for everything.
God. A return to the mean for US foreign policy. What will this be? The 10th US invasion of Panama?
I guess we better start taking the Greenland and Canada shit more seriously.
He already said annexation of Greenland will happen.
Is he just doing domestically something purely evil again and throwing feces at a window to distract people.
My theory is that we’re in an ‘emperor has no clothes’ situation, where a cult of sycophants has nourished itself on a leader with a genuine case of cognitive decline, and who are too afraid, because of the sunk cost or a fear of banishment or retribution, to point out this flaw or contradict their madman.
You see them parrot his insane talking point with such glee because the madness and fervour are contagions. Within the cult, the insanity is self perpetuating, and the longer you’re in, the crazier you become. 15 or 20 years ago, these same people probably had fairly typical views and opinions and, if confronted by their past self, would now only see a stranger or a traitor. Their past self might look at what they’ve become and wonder, “What did I do to deserve that?!”
What I’m saying is I think Trump might be Cthulu.
They probably should have rigged it to blow the locks awhile ago.
There’s no time like the present!
Edit, beaten to it by someone more thorough!