I’m wondering what people here would think about Home Assistant’s stock UI getting a bit of a facelift? I know you can customize to your hearts content, but I’ve always found stock Home Assistant to be a little hard on the eyes. Its not bad in my mind, just feels a bit dated and static.
Anyhow, wondered if anyone here has thought the same. I’d welcome a face lift.
You can always use the Home Assistant API to create your own UI experience. I create small HA touch panels using M5Stack Core2 devices this way.
I dabbled too long around having it’s UI look prettier, but gave up after spending precious months. Now I can’t see a way to have it look like I want it to, and -with respect- that’s never the intention of devs to have it’s UI very customizable.
BUT having your own UI is pretty easy if you know basic JS and HTML; that’s intentional yet kinda hidden behind all the clutter of HA. So if CSS themes won’t do it for you, you can try your chance with that.
Would like to hear more about this! Are there any resources on this available?