Problem Publishing cryptocurrency addresses for donations is a routine task, especially if different networks and wallets are used. Manually copying and pasting addresses each time is inconvenient, and centralized services (such as cryptocurrency payment gateways) may depend on third parties, charge fees, or be subject to blocking. At the same time, crypto wallets based on BIP-32, BIP-39, BIP-44, allow you to deterministically generate multiple addresses from a single seed phrase. However, there is no convenient solution yet that would automatically receive new wallets and publish them in the right places (on the website, on social networks, in the Telegram channel). Introduction Decentralized technologies allow users to accept cryptocurrency payments without intermediaries. However, even the process of publishing addresses remains inconvenient: they need to be store, copy and update manually. It is technically possible to automate this process: Receive addresses from seed phrases without the need to store private keys. Generate new wallets in different blockchains (BTC, ETH, USDT and etc.). Automatically publish current details for donations on websites, social networks or chats. Despite this possibility, at the moment there is no public solution, and users continue to manually copy and paste their addresses. Justification of relevance Routineness of the process – Content creators, activists, developers and other users have to manually publish and update cryptocurrency details. Risks of centralized services – Many payment gateways may be blocked or require verification, which reduces anonymity. Technical feasibility – Modern standards (BIP-32/39/44) allow automate generation of addresses without loss of security. Lack of ready-made solutions – Although there are libraries for working with HD wallets (for example, bip_utils, ethers.js), convenient service or bot There are no addresses for publication yet. Thus, automating the publication of cryptocurrency details is actual task, which can significantly simplify the process of accepting donations and increase user convenience.
Q: How to display a list of wallet addresses, for example a Guarda wallet, etc. so as not to have to deal with the routine work of publishing donations? For example, from a seed phrase? This is technically possible.
A: Yes, technically it is possible. Wallets based seed phrase use deterministic key generation algorithms, which means you can automatically obtain a list of addresses without manual copying. How does this work? HD wallets (Hierarchical Deterministic wallets) — wallets (for example, Guarda, Metamask, Trust Wallet) use BIP-32, BIP-39, BIP-44 standard. From seed phrases (usually 12 or 24 words) generated master key. Using this key you can get chain of addresses without having to interact with the wallet itself. How to automatically display a list of addresses? Use open-source libraries (For example, ethers.js for Ethereum or bitcoinlib for BTC). Write script, which according to sid-phrases generates N number of addresses. Automatically publish them (for example, via social media APIs). Example code in Python (Bitcoin, Ethereum) from bip_utils import Bip39SeedGenerator, Bip44, Bip44Coins
Your seed phrase
mnemonic = “seed phrase here”
Generate a master key
seed_bytes = Bip39SeedGenerator(mnemonic).Generate()
Get the first Bitcoin address (BIP-44)
btc_wallet = Bip44.FromSeed(seed_bytes, Bip44Coins.BITCOIN) btc_address = btc_wallet.PublicKey().ToAddress()
Get the first Ethereum address (BIP-44)
eth_wallet = Bip44.FromSeed(seed_bytes, Bip44Coins.ETHEREUM) eth_address = eth_wallet.PublicKey().ToAddress()
print(“BTC:”, btc_address) print(“ETH:”, eth_address)
How to use? Generate addresses automatically and publish on the website/social networks. Display QR codes for convenient donation. Create multiple wallets to account for miscellaneous income. Important! Storage seed phrases Unsafe when opened! If you create an auto-generation service, it is better to store the master key in encrypted form or use a hardware security module (HSM). Q: As I understand it, this is not yet feasible due to the specific nature of the question?
A: This question has already been raised, but no mass implementations, because there are several difficulties: Safety – Automatic generation and publication of addresses requires storage of seed phrase or private keys, which makes the system vulnerable. Easy manual setup – Most wallets (Guarda, Metamask, Trust Wallet) already allow you to quickly obtain new addresses in the interface, which means that the need for automation is not obvious. Lack of a standard API for all wallets – For example, in Metamask you can get addresses via ethers.js, but Guarda does not have such a public API. What has already been implemented? bip_utils (Python) and ethers.js (JavaScript) allow get addresses from seed phrase. Wallet generators – There are services for offline address generation (for example, for BTC). Bot scripts – Some developers do bots for automatically creating addresses and sending them to Telegram/Twitter. But public, secure and convenient solution for automatic publication of donations based on seed phrase doesn’t exist. What can be done? Create a service that generates addresses but does not store the seed phrase – For example, the user enters it, gets a list of addresses, but the system does not save the data. Make a Telegram bot – For example, a bot that, upon request (/newaddress) generates a new wallet and immediately publishes it to the channel/group. Browser extension – A script that automatically inserts the current wallet into posts on the website/social networks. If the idea seems promising, you can try to implement an MVP and test demand. Summing up The problem of automatic publication of cryptocurrency addresses remains unresolved, despite the technical feasibility of its implementation. Modern HD wallets allow you to deterministically generate addresses from a single seed, but in practice users continue to manually copy and update their details. Key challenges: Handmade — the need to constantly update and copy addresses. Lack of ready-made solutions — there is no simple tool that would automate this process. Centralized restrictions — the use of payment gateways carries the risk of blocking and commissions. The solution may include: Automatic extraction of addresses from seed phrases using libraries (bip_utils, ethers.js). Integration with Telegram bots or social network APIs for publishing new addresses. Creating a web service or browser extension for inserting current wallets. There are no mass solutions yet, but technically their implementation is possible, which makes this topic relevant for crypto enthusiasts, developers and automation specialists.
Tags and keywords 🔹 OSINT 🔹 Cryptocurrency wallets 🔹 Deterministic HD wallets 🔹 Automation of crypto payments 🔹 Sid-phrase 🔹Address generation 🔹 BIP-32, BIP-39, BIP-44 🔹 Cryptodonaty
Hashtag #Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #Ethereum #OSINT #CryptoDonations #HDWallets #CryptoAutomation #Web3 #Decentralization
Bibliography and sources for study 📌 Official BIP standards specifications: BIP-32: Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets BIP-39: Mnemonic Code for Generating Deterministic Keys BIP-44: Multi-Account Hierarchy for Deterministic Wallets 📌 Libraries and tools: bip_utils (Python) – ethers.js (JavaScript) – 📌 Additional materials: “Mastering Bitcoin” – Andreas Antonopoulos “Programming Bitcoin” – Jimmy Song Bitcoin Developer Guide Ethereum Developer Portal These materials will help you understand the basics of HD wallets, address generation, and possible ways to automate the publication of crypto donations. 🚀