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cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/26711871
I’m going to take this an opportunity to not only remind everybody about the “critical” part of “critical support”, which should be limited to Russia’s anti-imperialist actions, but also as a warning.
If the US with Trump manages to somehow align with Russia, that country could play a significant role in a new reorganized imperialist camp. There’s no ideological barriers for this inside of Russia itself, only pragmatic ones such as how that might impact its relationship with China (unlikely since China is hands off outside its territory) or whether a future Democrat might ruin that alliance. Other than that, we could very possibly see a future soon where Russia becomes an US imperial ally against the imperial periphery. If NATO-Russia relations ever normalise, all critical support for them will need to be re-evaluated.
This will also be a moment to test whether theories of imperialism can apply to China depending on their complicity with any such alliance.
Putin, United Russia, were always reactionary, how is this so surprising? He is not a communist, he hates communism. The only thing he has in common with communists is being against Nato and Amerikkka (and the anti-lgbt-laws if you count CPRF).
just look at what medvedev said about stalin etc
that is why people said “critical support” not “100% full support of every action”
… and is not even “anti-america”. If the USA would have gave him a place in “occident” they will be now putting tanks in China borders… thankfuly USA arrogance played a different card… EDIT: typo and capitals ;)
Ya’ll please calm the heck down. There are long-running reasons for this invitation.
Before the collapse of the USSR, it had a sizable Jewish minority. The USSR saved many Jews from the Nazis, and most ended up living in the USSR.
After the collapse, that minority immigrated to Israel and make up about 15% of the Israeli population. Many have dual Russian-Israeli passports. 1 in 4 staff members in Israeli universities are native Russian speakers.[1]
These Russian Jews act both as a potent fifth column promoting Zionism in Russia, and facilitate useful political connections between Israel and Russia. For example, Israel has been rather quiet about Russia’s operations in Ukraine. In return, Russia doesn’t say much about Israel’s genocide in Palestine.
Because of these circumstances, Russia doesn’t readily oppose Israel. When Russia works with Iran, Russia explicitly says that they cannot involve themselves in an Israel-Iran conflict. The most Russia can do without pissing off their Jewish fifth column is to weaken American influence and hope that makes Israel less insane.
In 2024, Israel officially recognized Victory Day as a holiday, and is one of the only non post-Soviet countries to do so. It makes sense that Russia would return the gesture by inviting them to the Victory Day Parade in 2025. [2] Israel previously attended the 2018 parade at Russia’s invitation.
Russia haa also invited China, India, Brazil, Slovakia, Serbia, and Mahmoud Abbas from the Palestinian Authority.
I don’t like this Russian invitation either, but it makes sense from Russia’s history with Jews. It certainly has better reasons than how much America buddies up with Israel. Russia actually protected Jews in WWII, while America just lies about their pro-Jewish history.
TLDR: Zionists fuck up the relations with Israel of any country they worm their way inside, and Russia is no exception.
I also want to note they seem to be using this victory day event to have a summit of some kind. Inviting the US and China specifically to have a talk. If thats the case it does kind of make sense to have the US’s rabid dog in attendance too.
If i had to guess this victory day thing is an attempt from the Russians/Chinese/other cooler heads to try and avert the incoming WW3 and reason with Israel, and the US a bit. Try and get them to chill the fuck out. I dont think it will work, but cant really blame them for trying to avoid a world war.
disappointing, but not surprising
Well. I’m not surprised, I’ve never been that supportive of Russia, but seeing this… makes me more disappointed,
Please let it be no surprise that Russia isn’t a great country either
Reminder that Russia tried to join NATO in the late 90s (under Putin as a PM too). Russia is currently an anti-imperialist power because of circumstance, not out of principle.
While I hate Russia inviting Israel ( if it’s true) I think it makes more sense when you view it as one “great power” schmoozing with another one.
what do u mean wtf, did u think that just because their goals of stopping the american empire aligned with ours they were “good guys”, the Russian government has always had a very close relationship with israel, and has always been very supportive of it.
And they were funding the Assad regime in Syria that killed millions
Who killed millions, the assad regime or the criminal blockade enforced by the US and lackeys?
I know when people are disingenuos when they completely avoid talking about economic blockades endured by these “comically evil regimes”.
Oh sorrry, stopping ISIS’s rampage and terror against minorities in Syria is so evil. Russia should just have just sat back and allowed ISIS to do whatever they wanted, nay, they should have supported it. Stopping ISIS, so evil!
When did the Assad regime help the “minorities”? They were literally arresting and killing innocent people who protested.
Meanwhile the current rulers killed people for no reason. Shia? Head off, Yazidi? Head off. Alevi? Head off. Kurd? You guessed it, head off. Isn’treal? Can’t kowtow to it any harder.
Fuck off with this anti-Yazidi shit. Even putting your accusations on the same level as the active genocidal actions that ISIS took undermines the horrors that the Yazidis have endured. Honestly, you and every other ISIS sympathizer can go fuck yourselves.
Do you ever think before commenting? I never said I support the “current government.” I’m talking about the people. I do not and never support ISIS, Assad regime or whatever.
People take things out of context and start throwing things.
You said you support the people yet you don’t mention the criminal sanctions enforced by the US and lackeys on the people of Syria, you literally don’t care lmao.
You inherently did, you try and deflect to critiques of Assad in order to downplay ISIS crimes against humanity against the Yazidi people. You are doing that to try and distract from the crimes that ISIS commits and downplay the role that Assad played in protecting people from ISIS. Attacking Assad is defending terrorists.
You mean the Assad regime that was part of the literal resistance Axis against Israel?
You mean the Assad government that specifically asked for Russia’s help
Yeah. Assad run to Russia right after the regime collapsed.
thats a celebration for the day russia killed hitler
*Soviet Union
The USSR consisted of multiple republics, todays Russia (not to be mistake for the Russian Empire, very different borders) was just the largest member republic.
still licking the boot and trying to appease the empire