One of my design hang-ups is sunken ceiling spots. Personally, I would never fit them, although I can understand having them in a kitchen or bathroom. But this is just… something. No options for anything but searing white light. I can’t even see any lamps in the bedroom.
You don’t have dimmable lights in the UK?
Personally, I think they’re among the best options. Table lamps are fine, but take up table space and then you still have to deal with cords all over your floor, taking up outlets.
Ceiling fixtures are a style commitment, and stupidly expensive to replace.
Sunken lights with dimmable lights are just about perfect for a clean look and controllable ambiance. If you put in RGB smart bulbs, even better, but that’s a major investment on this scale and adds significantly to figuring out good controls. The best compromise I’ve seen are dimmable bulbs with a second control that’s simply cool <-> warm; the wall switch is then just like a normal dimmable, but with 2 sliders: one for brightness, the other for warmth. You can simulate a decent sunset lighting by maxing the warmth and lowering the brightness.