its been 5 years.


I’ve wanted to transition for a 4th of my life now and I still don’t have enough control over my life to be me.

i would probably hate myself so much less if i had started hrt and transitioning when i wanted to.

rant over ill probably delete this post i just needed to vent im sorry

    1 month ago

    It sounds to me like you are on the verge of having a lot more freedom in your life - if you are college-aged, you are likely the age of the majority and at least should have the legal rights to make your own medical decisions. (I know it’s often not that simple, if you are economically dependent still, etc.)

    If you do end up in college, try to access the mental health resources they have - people often don’t realize that students have access to free therapy on campus, this is a great time to start building your autonomy and independence and therapy can be a useful tool to that end.