Robert F. Kennedy Jr., independent challenger for president and anti-vaccine activist, has a cockamamie solution for drug addicts and people who use medication for depression or ADHD: strip people of their tech gadgets and send them to government-funded "wellness farms" to grow organic food. Doesn't that sound suspiciously... like a labor camp?! Kennedy extolled this […]
Both of those concepts are not mutually exclusive.
My family is directly affected by RFK’s “ideas”. Not to make the prison labor a “lesser” issue; the issue is that they’re floating the idea of targeting people who depend on those meds at all, as if they’ve done something wrong.
But the point is that they’re not doing that. They haven’t said anything about punative measures for those meds, that part is pure speculation.
What isn’t speculation is that these rehab centers are being used as an alternative to justify banning medications. That’s bad enough without having to get into speculation.
This is how the Holocaust actually got started. It’s much more sinister than people realize. They didn’t go straight to labor camps on day 1. They started “othering” groups they didn’t like, just by words. Until they started to justify banning and legislating them out of the public eye, to appease the now-fearful public. They started getting arrested for simply existing in the wrong places, and that’s when the labor camps started.
That process started in 1933. And the people in charge are mirroring this dangerously close.
I have a family to look after and ensure their future (what little of it may be left). If you don’t like what I have to say, then we are clearly on opposite sides of the fence, so do us both a favor and fucking block me.
What have they said that otherizes people taking SSRIs? I genuinely haven’t seen it, other than taking actions to ban the meds, which is exactly what I’ve been saying should be the focus, as opposed to baseless speculation about forced labor.
I understand that this is an important issue for you, but all I’m doing to correcting misinformation. The seriousness of the situation is all the more reason why accurate information is important. I have no idea why you think I’m “on the opposite side of the fence” just because I think we should focus on what’s actually happening and being said.
They don’t need to say anything. People who take antidepressants already deal with the stigma of “being broken” (source: most women in my life, including my daughter). All that needs to happen is for RFK to continue doing exactly what he doing right fucking now.
There are people out there who would go out of their way to ensure that any perceived-but-not-said-outright “obedience” is happening. These orders and press releases are empowering those people. This is incredibly and intentionally dangerous territory and it needs to be called out for what it is.
It’s good to call that out, but I also paid attention in history class. What is happening right now is the beginning stages of every genocidal movement in history.
How do we know he’s secretly plotting for people with mental illness to be prison camps if nothing he’s said is particularly otherizing? Your whole argument was that we know because of how he’s otherizing such people, but now you’re saying he “doesn’t need to say anything,” so the whole line of reasoning is unsupported.