Saw this today, and … well, I’m not going to be so forgiving to people suggesting to vote Third Party rather than vote for Biden. If Trump wants me to do something, and you want me to do that same something, that tells me you’re aligned with Trump.

  • TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.worldOP
    7 months ago

    Clue bus for everyone who thinks this idiot is correct.

    Anonymous sources are definitely the least reliable source, and if you can get someone to stake their name and reputation on a claim, you much rather do that than use an anonymous source. However, anonymous sources do have their place in journalism!

    Had Edward Snowden kept his name secret, he might well have escaped his fate of being forced to live in Russia. Had Julian Assange not revealed his name, he might be back in Australia or somewhere else besides a British jail. Anonymous sources exist to allow information to be passed to reporters when that information is either confidential or sensitive, or could put the source at risk. Generally, if you want to use an anonymous source, you need to meet the following requirements:

    • The source must have first-hand knowledge and evidence of what’s being revealed.
    • The information is high-value and cannot be obtained in any other manner.
    • The source has legitimate and compelling reasons why they will remain anonymous.
    • Anonymous sources are clearly identified as such without revealing their identity.
    • Other safetyguards may be used.

    Rather than the reputation of the source, you use the reputation of the reporting media. Granted, there’s been a lot of BS peddled by the Media of late, and so it’s hard, and sometimes you have to be a bit more discerning that you might have back in the day. Do you trust NYT? That’s up to you. I do. Ghostalmedia does. But the useful idiot/trumper wildbus doesn’t. You’ll have to make up your own mind.

    I’ll point this out. There’s no way Biden can be knocked out of the running now. In January, one of two things will happen. Either Biden will take the oath of office, or Trump will. No amount of third parties or other nonsense will change that (because we don’t have RCV, 51 Lefties can lose to 49 Righties if 3 Lefties vote for Jill Stein and 48 vote Joe Biden, and that’ll remain the same if 48 vote Jill Stein and 3 vote Joe Biden). Read Project 2025 and know this is the framework for Trump’s first day in office if he wins, and decide: Is your single issue important enough to let Trump into office? If so, go ahead and vote for the distraction object. Just know you’re doing the DUMB thing and will suffer for that choice. We warned you in 2016 and you didn’t listen. It’s up to you if you will listen to us in 2020.