Lenovo replaced with Dell when the startup I work at was purchased by a multinational a year and a half ago. They’re closing our office down and moving operations out of state in June.
I got a decent windfall when my stock vested instantly, but I don’t think I’m going to make it to the final payout of my retention bonus. As soon as annual bonus hits in March, I’m donion rings.
Lenovo replaced with Dell when the startup I work at was purchased by a multinational a year and a half ago. They’re closing our office down and moving operations out of state in June.
You cash out?
I got a decent windfall when my stock vested instantly, but I don’t think I’m going to make it to the final payout of my retention bonus. As soon as annual bonus hits in March, I’m donion rings.
Think about the sink cost. It’s not fallacy. You have the numbers in front of you. You’re at the finish line, you can do this.