This user describes how most of the women-centered communities on Lemmy were shut down due to harassment of their members.

Another user adds “We need a safe space, but most of the women I know on here don’t have the time or energy to moderate it. And there’s so few of us, it feels like it’s not worth the effort anyway.”

      1 month ago

      I do get the joke; Even so, to this post’s credit, that this comment [at time of writing] is +3 is a great representation of their challenges.

      The whole point is about people feeling legitimate using the platform. Jokes feeding on the trope “there aren’t women on the Internet” reinforces alienation. It makes sense they wouldn’t feel comfortable if dismissal is the community upvoted response to them -already- feeling unwelcome.

        1 month ago

        I really don’t see how upvoting a silly joke is a representation of anything.

        It was solely meant for some giggles, to relax the conversation about a serious topic a slight bit. If you will, it’s more like karma whoring [no pun intended].

          1 month ago

          Understandable! Apologies if I came across overly chastising towards you specifically.

          Instent vs impact is pretty hard in this case. Part of my response is from conversations with friends in STEM fields and the impacts of the male centric nature of the space (comp sci especially) has on them. Especially with how much men self-reinforce that position. It truly is an exclusionary space for them.

          I hadn’t read as many comments in this thread yet and there are some well thought out discussions here too, which I’m glad to read.

            1 month ago

            There’s nothing to apologize for, really, you weren’t harsh and certainly not towards me specifically. You even acknowledged the joke, and just stated your opinion, which I simply don’t fully agree with.

            I can’t remotely relate to the struggles some women have to go through in male-dominated fields.

            I’m a software developer myself, by passion, and I have had some female coworkers with whom I had been designated on projects. And TBH, it never occurred to me to treat them any differently than male coworkers. Also, as far as I could tell, none of the other male coworkes treated them differently either.

            So, just because there are some men out there acting like a douchebag by giving women a hard time to feel included in a field, doesn’t mean the world is full of these people. They’re simply more conspicuous, than the others.

            Now, is this a cultural thing, that depends on the country one lives in? Or does it depend on the size of the company one works for? Maybe, I don’t know! I’m not a researcher/psychologist to provide any meaningful insight into this issue, since I neither can’t relate on a personal level, nor have I witnessed it.

            All I can do, is either just continue scrolling, or, if I’m in the mood, post some silly joke to (hopefully) make at least one person giggle while reading through the comments.

            PS: I really like the richness in your vocabulary.