If I value a show/movie enough I’ll purchase it then rip the Blu-ray, but if it’s a show that’s only watchable by legal means over ad-supported streaming then fuck ‘em.
I have no idea if this is the case since I don’t use Hulu, but I’m guessing if you pick the wrong one they could make you watch another segment of the ad with the right answer to help correct you or something.
Do they stop letting you watch the show if you get it wrong? What purpose does this serve other than pissing people off
If it happens to me I’ll immediately cancel and pirate over i2p just to spite them.
Why wait for it to happen to you personally?
I don’t really like the shit quality associated with pirating online; I resort to renting Blu-rays and dumping them to my NAS.
This is the correct response.
If I value a show/movie enough I’ll purchase it then rip the Blu-ray, but if it’s a show that’s only watchable by legal means over ad-supported streaming then fuck ‘em.
I have no idea if this is the case since I don’t use Hulu, but I’m guessing if you pick the wrong one they could make you watch another segment of the ad with the right answer to help correct you or something.
Some dick head came up with an idea and some high up numpty liked it so no one dared to say no?