• Doomsider@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I have worked in a corporate setting for years and I am currently a hiring manager. You keep asking for something that does not exist. I am not saying some CEO has not said, “I want x% of minorities or women working here”. Even if that did happen it is not a reflection of the rest of the corporate world that has never said anything like this.

    I have attended several DEI trainings in my life and they are exactly as I have described them. Please point out any proof you have that companies have set actual quotas for hiring because their DEI policy told them to. This is also illegal in the US according to OFCCP which covers any business that works with the Federal government.

    Ultimately though if a private company chooses to set quotas that is their right barring violating any laws. Considering the alternative is the defacto only hire white males I am not sure a few companies doing this would even cause a ripple.

    Looking at statistics it is clear we are not hiring women or minorities in droves. This is racist rumor mill shit in my opinion.

    The truth is our world in the US is still completely dominated by white males. You especially see this in management. I guess the real fear behind this is it could change some day. How scary would it be to live in a world that had 50% women CEOs. I jest of course.

    You definitely have some extreme beliefs and you repeat word for word the propaganda that bigots use to discredit DEI. Certainly it has issues but forcing companies to hire X amount of a particular worker is not one of them.

    When I was referencing a bigot what I meant is people that tend to think like this are bigots not that you have to be one. Although I think I would start some serious self-reflecting if I found myself siding with bigots.