How not just give up? There is nothing left, no viable career options, hobbies are pointless because there’s just no improvement past certain point anyway, no alleviation to the fucking constant hurt that’s AuDHD. And nobody gets it, nobody.
Any insight, other than “seek help”, would be welcome right about now.
Hello, it is me with burnout. It’s hard to keep up with everything. But I think I have been in a similar place.
What do you mean no career prospects? I’m the type of autistic that misses social queues but is really good at systemizing, so I’m a great person at making sure stuff “behind the scenes” gets done. (Sure, I talk to other team members but I make minimal appearances to clients.) Do you have any ideas as to how your strengths can work well in a role?
And for hobbies, that’s my shit right there. I don’t have to be good at it, I just have to like it. That’s the point imo. To be fair, it is sometimes hard to get into a hobby of mine because I don’t have to focus on doing it at the time. Or I might want to “step it up” but my ADHD makes it difficult to follow through.
It’s constant hurt if you’re in a place where you don’t fit in. Believe me, I know. We can’t change the world overnight, but is there something you can focus on that you can change? Can you streamline something in your own home to be less hostile to your brain, like putting up curtains or organizing your clothes so getting dressed in the morning is easier? Can you make any decisions on how you interact with the world outside of your home that will make things easier?
I try to even play my own strengths to defeat my weaknesses. My ADHD makes it hard for me to get started on a task. It also makes it hard to stay on the task if I hit a snag. What helps is structure… Which I am great at giving myself because of autism. My bathroom is really well organized, so I am on top of making sure I never run out of anything and it’s easy to find anything I need (because it all has a place).
I would also give yourself some breaks. Even just a small break will help your brain out so so much.
Lastly, this growth will take time. It’s ok to make mistakes. It’s ok to need some time to learn and perfect something. It’s ok to need to take a break.