I’d stay away from Manjaro, personally. They’ve had a number of organisational and security fuck-ups that in my opinion makes it hard to take them seriously. Once is forgivable, but when they make the same mistake 3+ times it’s just completely unforgivable and unprofessional.
Plus there’s the whole “we hold Arch packages back two weeks but not AUR packages” - which means there could be dependency issues if you like installing stuff from AUR. In fairness though, they do request that users do not install AUR software on their site, so people do get warned about that.
Endeavour is good. If I was to go back to an Arch distro, it’s what I’d use hands-down. Fundamentally just Arch with a better installer and a nice theme.
I’d also consider something Fedora based, like Fedora (duh), or Bazzite (if you want an atomic/immutable OS). Up-to-date, extensively tested. Bazzite even allows you to install it with out-of-the-box Gamescope support (in simple terms, you get some of the performance options and performance overlays that the steam deck has).
See also another source for the same.
I can vouch for Fedora, I used plenty of distros from Arch to Ubuntu (and many of it’s forks) and even weird outliers like Solus and Fedora is the most boring distro out of all of them, and I mean that in the best way. To quote a certain Todd: “It just works!” Do note you will probably want to enable RPM fusion (basically mandatory if you use nVidia) to get access to useful non open source and license encumbered packages Fedora can’t ship by default (like media codecs). Other than that, install Steam and whatever other launchers you want and enjoy a boring, reliable distro.
I switched from EndeavourOS to Fedora too and I love it
As someone considering the switch in the other direction, what made you want to leave EOS?
Not the person you asked, but I also switched from endeavors to fedora. My reason was simple - after all my screwing around in arch, I realized I was just building fedora. And fedora updates take less attention than arch’s do (and I’m lazy).
I just didn’t feel like setting everything up myself anymore (e.g. switching to BTRFS and enabling compression, switching to Pipewire and stuff like that) and I also wanted to be able to install packages through GNOME’s Software app, which isn’t possible on Arch but is on Fedora. Fedora has really good defaults IMO, they’re really fast to use new technology, like what I mentioned I had to manually switch to before.
I’m not the above user, but I also went from Endeavour to Fedora.
I had a couple of issues with Grub after updates - this was an Arch bug that was quickly resolved, but it was still an annoyance that highlights that the bleeding edge isn’t without risk.
Fedora pretty aggressively pushes modern tech into their distro. They’re kind of the main driver that paves the way for other distros to join the modern world, IMO. Wayland, Flatpaks, Portals, PipeWire, they push all of that.
Last time I tried Endeavour, despite the packages being new, it still defaulted to a lot of older technologies (that may have changed now, it’s been 2 years since I used it). Fedora doesn’t, and it plays a part in shaping those technologies. Some people may not like that, but personally I love it.
Like I said in an earlier comment, though, I do love EndeavourOS. If I went back to Arch-based distros I’d use it without a doubt.
I do have annoyances with Fedora. Stuff like having to enable proprietary media codecs via a command is utterly brain-dead and not intuitive for new users.
I’ve been using EndeavourOS for a little over a year now and maybe only twice have hit issues with updates or packages or whatever. Their built in update script helps a lot. I will also say I have an RTX 3080 and fedora wouldn’t run games on my setup, EndeavourOS would.
Manjaro was the first distro I used and it happened twice that it wouldn’t boot anymore just because I installed updates. To be fair, I did use the AUR but that’s like half the reason to use Arch in the first place IMO.
After that I installed EndeavourOS and that always worked fine but nowadays I use Fedora.
If “more stable Arch” is why you’re considering Manjaro, consider openSUSE Tumbleweed. They’re rolling like Arch, but openQA and rebuilding everything after a compiler update seems to catch a number of issues.
If you want easier to install Arch, consider EmdeavorOS.
Manjaro is pretty much never the right answer.
I just installed EndeavourOS on a virtual machine to see what it was like. I can confirm, it’s easy. It’s definitely similar to other distros. Didn’t feel like Arch at all.
Issues with using AUR was enough for me to stay clear and not recommend to people.
Not that I’d necessarily recommend Arch as something for someone just getting into Linux or anything, but if you’re deadset on using something derivative, I would just recommend going with Arch.
This install scriot makes it no harder to install than anything. And the wiki is robust.
However, if you don’t want to learn how your OS works, and troubleshoot fringe issues, don’t use Arch.
My route into Linux I wouldn’t tell others to take.
I can’t disagree. I love Manjaro on one of my devices, a shitty old HP laptop. It runs better than any other distro on it, and it’s smooth as butter (even for light gaming) even though the hardware is terrible.
I’ve had to reinstall more than once because things broke while installing upgrades, lol
Haven’t used it myself, but I wanted to recommend it too. I’ve heard it’s basically SteamOS for anything that isn’t a Steam Deck.
Not only that. It can either be an almost 1:1 replacement for SteamOS (if you choose the
variant), or just a normal desktop distro with a lot of gaming optimizations, like the fsync-kernel, gamescope, hardware enablement, and quite a lot of QoL improvements.It’s basically a “Download the iso and begin gaming in 30 minutes”-distro.
It also ships some additional software that is optional, but quite neat. For example, I discovered
through it, which made over a year of GPU humming gone by allowing me to set fan curves.For some diehard Arch users, it might be “bloated”, but I find it just right. I never had the feeling that the included tools are useless, and those that might be (e.g. Discord, OBS, etc.) are only installed when you tick the checkbox in the installer.
Not if you play rocket league lol. Bazzite has an inexplicable bug where rocket league specifically only uses 40% of your GPU and 25% CPU regardless of any graphics settings or launch options. With occasional drops to 7-10fps.
Bazzite. I’ll now accept my ban from the moderators.
deleted by creator
Debian has all the packages one needs for gaming, sufficiently updated to run games just as well as the other distros. It also has a better track record of not breaking, compared to rolling distros like Arch. Please stop spreading misconceptions.
Debian has all the updated packages one needs for gaming just as well as the other distros.
Yes and no, but I agree with the overall sentiment. Debian is entirely fine for gaming.
EndeavourOS is what got me to daily drive Linux finally.
The installation is easy, it’s got sane defaults and pre-installs most common dependencies.
I’d give Nobara a try. I’ve been using it for about 2 years and it’s been pretty seamless. Already comes with a bunch of Linux gaming related software, like Steam, Lutris, Proton-up, etc.
It also has a bunch of gaming performance patches automatically installed.
If you’re not technically inclined at all and want a console style experience, Bazzite is probably your best bet.
All that said, most mainstream distros will give you a fine gaming experience, you just might have to do some manual fiddling and installing yourself depending on the distro and the games you’re playing.
A distro that comes with the latest video drivers.
Hannah Montana Linux
Ah, a connoisseur.
Imo. You shouldn’t worry about “which distro is best for gaming” since they are all the same under the hood (mostly). There are no real performance benefits with different distros, so just pick one that feels and looks the best for you. I’ve heard that PopOS seems to be quite friendly for newcomers so it should be a good place to start exploring.
Pop!_OS is a bit too out of date in my opinion, the packages are super stale as it’s based on Ubuntu 22.04! It certainly worked fine when I used it for a few months while trying to decide what distro was next. I used it briefly and enjoyed a lot of how System76 handles the Pop!_OS DE. However, so much of the software is trapped many versions behind of what is current in the Linux space…I can’t be certain System76 was backporting fixes to these old ass program versions because I did have odd issues from time to time. Nothing system breaking, just annoying to deal with.
However, even System76 has finally started to offer Ubuntu 24.04 on their prebuilds, as they knew their repository is very stinky at this stage. That opens up access to modern versions of programs, access to bug fixes that make using a lot of software a smoother experience. I would recommend System76’s COSMIC DE with an Ubuntu base when it is in stable; as the System76 team are bringing a lot of those handy Pop!_OS features with a brand new coat of paint and fresher (not bleeding edge) packages.
Whatever works best for you. No distro is fundamentally better suited for gaming than others.
Edit: Apprently the anwer is “no”.
So far so good for me. I switched last week after dual booting Pop OS and Windows 10 for a few months. I used to use Mac OS X back in college and missed the interface, so Pop OS’s implementation of GNOME felt good.
As for OP’s question, someone else with more knowledge can answer if a specific distro has the best drivers/compatibility with games. Pop OS comes with NVIDIA drivers which works for me.
I also wanted a full desktop OS. Some of the distros will focus on being a controller-friendly frontend for gaming rather than a desktop OS.
It might be helpful to try something like Ventoy for any distros that support a live CD. You won’t be able to fully test gaming performance, but Ventoy lets you try multiple distros on one disk.
Other questions for OP: What type of GPU are you using? What is your current OS?
Isn’t Pop OS super outdated right now, tho?
Yes, unfortunately.
I had no idea, what’s the deal there?
I think they’re working on their new Cosmic desktop. It looks promising but it’s delaying the update of the OS.
I guess I’ll hold on then…
The packages are stinky as they are so old, in addition to program versions on offer are frozen several versions behind program versions on modern distros. System76 even started to offer Ubuntu 24.04 on their prebuilds for this reason. It’s too old and while they managed to bring more recent drivers to Pop!_OS, it’s going to be phased out when COSMIC DE is ready for stable launch with an Ubuntu 24.04 base. Pop!_OS is not a good recommend going forward; System76 let it get too old before taking appropriate action, but to be fair to them, building a DE from scratch is hard work.
I have good experiences with both bazzite and nobara.
Bazzite is an immutable OS though. So installing additional packages requires you layering them on top. It works differently than the traditional OS. Though if you just use it for gaming and browsing you’ll likely never notice the difference.
Garuda also markets itself as a mainly gaming distro. I don’t have any real experience with that. I tried it, but it didn’t feel like it was for me.
I’ve happily used the former two though.
if I get off my lazy but I want to mess around with appimage and bazzite.
I use Nobara and I recoomend it to all my friends (the ones who like linux anyway).
while its true that really no linux distro will have any significant better game performance than another, Nobara stands out to me because its made by GloriousEggroll (the same guy who makes the protonGE patches for steam) for his dad so that his dad can have a simple no-fuss gaming computer they can use to game together.
the specific things I like about it are how it helps you get the correct graphics drivers and game/controller fixups at installation, and comes with steam preinstalled. I also like how the Nobara software updater also handles flatpaks as well as regular packages, its my one stop graphical (or CLI) shop for downloading or updating any new programs.
I also like its themes and that its based on Fedora.
Another vote for Nobara.
Everything is packed in and ready to go. No having to install extra shit, no having to download and compile shit. Its just all there, and it works.
And has been not only the smoothest, easiest experience with linux gaming that I’ve had… but just in general the everyday usability is smooth, easy and great too.
My only significant complaint is that all the tech help is on a discord. Which means its not indexable, archivable, or searchable via your search engine of choice… so if you don’t have discord, or if the discord goes away… So does all the knowledge base and help. but thats a complaint I have about discord in general.