I escaped the Reddit regime a little while ago. I consider myself a marxist-leninist-MZT. Vegetarian and vegan for a few years. I’ve a lot of thoughts on how marxism and veganism are connected. Never wrote them down. I’d like to start smth like a club for marxist vegans to develop our own proletarian theory. Most vegan theory I found is either openly bourgeois (Francione is a literal TERF) or revisionist (anti-China, anarchist, libertarian). How about fixing this?
I’m sorry if I have different opinions, I get the vegetarian part, simply not eating meat, some people I knew were vegetarian, but completely vegan? Not eating eggs, drinking milk etc? How does that work I don’t see how is that even possible? But I (and a lot of people I know) simply cannot live without meat.
cannot live without meat? how so?
Idk I’m simply omnivore I guess. My body genuinely misses something if I go without it or fish for extended periods of time. A lot of people I know can’t.
cravings won’t kill you. you’re conflating a desire and a need.
I mean, we’re apes, so we’re definitely natural omnivores without a doubt, I guess that explains it.
Omnivore means you can eat meat, it does not mean you need to eat meat.