On Friday, Lively, who starred in the film, filed a legal complaint against director Justin Baldoni, producer Jamey Heath, and others associated with the movie, accusing them of sexual harassment and a coordinated effort to damage her reputation. The New York Times followed up Saturday with a big story about the filing, which was co-written by Megan Twohey, one of the reporters best known for her work investigating Harvey Weinstein and other bad actors of the #MeToo movement.
According to the complaint, Baldoni and Heath—who is also the CEO of Wayfarer, the studio they co-founded together—behaved inappropriately on set during the movie’s initial shoot, which was interrupted by last year’s writers’ strike. Lively accused Baldoni of unwanted kissing during their scenes together and discussing his sex life in her presence, and Heath of showing her a video of his wife naked, among other offenses. (The more complete list of accusations is part of the legal complaint, and is worth reading in full.)
You’re telling me psyops work well and go undetected when they have enormous amounts of money, influence, and thousands of willing idiots interested in amplifying the message behind them?
Hollywood is just a big machiavellian cesspool.