Correction: Moore’s law predicts that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit would double every two years. It doesn’t make predictions about computers being “faster” or able to handle a certain “workload”. The only thing it predicts is the growth in physical capacity of a single chip.
And we actually broke Moore’s law and this capacity growth slowed a decade ago since manufacturing techniques started being the bottleneck.
Correction: Moore’s law predicts that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit would double every two years. It doesn’t make predictions about computers being “faster” or able to handle a certain “workload”. The only thing it predicts is the growth in physical capacity of a single chip.
And we actually broke Moore’s law and this capacity growth slowed a decade ago since manufacturing techniques started being the bottleneck.
Yes yes single threaded execution etc but now we just build a crap ton more and keep increasing the computational throughput per watt etc.
We’ve moved massive calculations into GPUs and thus in terms computational capabilities it holds up.
I mean check this out
The geometric growth is real. Moore’s law was just one way to explain it.