The napkin smeared with lipstick you left upon the table – I carry it, always, in my pocket. Your smile and just-brushed hair I carry in my mind, the scent of you I carry in my palm as an undying rose the smell of your breath when we kiss hello, I carry in my surprise. In my anger I carry those who look at you, walking. In my excitement I carry the rhythm of your step curve of your high-heeled shoe In my dreams is the sound of your dress as you step out and it In my sleep I carry the lightness of you falling on my bed In my loneliness I carry the sound of your voice breaking into music Every letter of you, their tone and inflection I carry one by one in my eyes The meaning of your dreams I carry in my fantasies. I carry the freshness of the water you drink In my mouth.
translated by Caroline Stockford source:
#turkey #turkish #kurdish #hunanRights