The measure received 14 votes in favour, with the US the sole member to reject it. However, because the US is a permanent member of the council, it has the ability to veto any resolution brought forward

Unlike several previous resolutions regarding a ceasefire in Gaza, Wednesday’s measure was brought forward by all 10 elected members of the Security Council.

The US has vetoed four previous attempts at calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, on most occasions being the lone vote against the measures.

  • Keeponstalin@lemmy.worldOP
    4 months ago

    Yeah, FPTP is inherently undemocratic and naturally trends to a two-party system. Especially when both parties operate within neoliberalism, intentionally racheting American politics to the right at the behest of capital interests.

    I’m all for approval or STAR voting, but I will support any ranked choice ballot measure as any are better than FPTP. Right now it’s only possible to enact new voting systems at a local level