Woke… uh… lids?
And why are they eating the lids?
They mistook them for crayons.
Because they pair very nicely with a plate of crayons.
Conservatives deeply fear change.
Status quo is their god.
From the blogto article linked by op:
He says that “After a couple of sips, it became soggy and started to stain. Thereafter, I could taste a few small lid pieces in the drink, which was like ‘yuck.’”
Yep sounds like terrible design and Tim’s cheapen out in the material. I’ve had non plastic caps that were much better than that.
You know what would bring us back to the good old days? A real ceramic mug you can use to sit down, drink it slowly and enjoy. But I haven’t been to a Tim’s in a while where the server would ask if I wanted a mug or to go. Maybe the lady would call that woke too?
I don’t believe that story about the lid for a second
Honestly I’m really not surprised. Tim is known for choosing the lowest bidder.
So, capitalism?
I do, everything at Tim’s is garbage, why would their lids be any different?
Every Tim Horton’s around here will give you a ceramic mug if you ask for it to stay, but the default is to go.
They have the paper lids in my city and they’re really not bad. I hate Tim Horton’s but I was actually impressed by the lids. They definitely hold together well
There are a lot of reasons to not bother going to Tim Horton’s, and the lids on their cups is not one of them.
I have only gone in in the last three years because a sweet person gave me a gift card, and hey free lunch. It was gross.
People that go to Tim Hortons for lunch are out of their minds
It doesn’t even really taste like food. It’s like a pack of raccoons have a kitchen.
I don’t dislike their wraps, and they’re easy to eat while driving. That’s about all the positive I can say.
I do miss their old old cups with the wrinkly pull up things. They worked better if you punched them down on car trips.
they should be called regressives
What do conservatives even want? Like just to set everything back centuries is all I can see. I’ve never seen one of them create or improve anything.
They want the power fantasy of everyone having to listen to them while never having to listen to anybody else
Yup, to them freedom is both unlimited freedom to and freedom from, only for them. They never took a philosophy class to understand the contradiction (presumably because thinking too hard is woke?).
Conservative politicians want to be elected. And the way they want to do this is by stoking meaningless (and mean) culture war issues to keep their base a)angry and b) not focused on economic inequality caused by their donors.
To the Conservative mindset everything is a zero sum game.
Give rights to minorities, that’s taking rights away from white men.
Give restaurant patrons the right to dine in a smoke free environment, that’s taking away the rights of smokers
Increase the minimum wage, that’s devaluing the wages of everyone else
Probably the most telling in a US context is Medicare for all. Free health care devalues their paid healthcare. I mean healthcare is healthcare (sure some doctors are better than others) the only reason someone would be upset that other people could be entitled to the same healthcare as them, whilst costing themselves less, is because these people think they are more deserving of healthcare than other people.
Not centuries. It’s more like they want to live inside a sitcom from the mid-20th century, where everyone is white and middle-class and living in a “traditional” male-led nuclear family that occupies a house in the suburbs, and pollution and its ilk aren’t even worthy of mention.
Everything to be like when they were a kid. Uncomplicated, no real problems like nowadays with the wokes and the taxes
Conservatism varies tremendously by time and location, but I don’t know if changing or improving is ever the point. Some combination of doing it the way it used to be done, hurting the right people, and supporting the existing social hierarchy go into the mix. There’s also movements like libertarianism that tend to glom on to Conservatism, but done straight are a very different animal.
To be fair, progressive ideas can be bad sometimes too. Eugenics is a great example that all the cool forward-thinkers were into for a while. At least we try though…
But at least we provide somewhat for people and try to do things. I can’t think of anything conservatives have ever done. Just wreck shit.
They should be called narcissists, because their “conservative” beliefs shift to occupy precisely the space where they happen to live. If they personally benefit from the status quo, then they must defend the tradition. If they benefit from change, then it is a moral imperative that the world conform to their point of view. A rational person might call that hypocrisy, but it’s not really anything more than selfishness.
The Regressive Cutservices Party.
As a filthy American, it’s sad to see standard-issue republiQan Southern Red State rhetoric in Canada. You guys deserve better.
Well we did have the trucker convoy here. A great many people who live in small towns or the northern parts of the country hate Trudeau. I am not a fan either but that’s because I think he should be much more left and do a lot more for us,rather than being a craven centrist. But all Liberals (that’s capital L Liberal) are. But conservatives here HATE him on a personal level and drive around with Fuck Trudeau flags on their obnoxious trucks.
We like our socialized medicine and services here, even conservatives, but that doesn’t make them any less obnoxious.
Well that’s the danger - the conservatives here went full mask-off racist poor-haters which wasn’t as much of a surprise as their unbelievable lack of belief in anything.
No ideology, values, or any other mechanism holds them - not even science, which they pretend to believe in, when it suits them. The so-called ‘adults’ in the party have succumbed utterly to the cult. There are no rational leaders, only figureheads and capos.
It’s shameful and beyond pathetic, and I’d like to think Canada would never fall to such insanity, but the mechanism by which it was carried out (facebook, twitter, Qanon, convoys, right-wing news) are all the same. More power to you progressive Canadians. Hopefully you can weather it.
They do have ideology and ironclad values. It’s very simple: the law should have a class which it protects but does not bind, and a class which it binds but does not protect. And they are always supposed to be in the first class. Because they are awesome. And they’re awesome, you see, because they’re in the first class.
Anything they do is in service of this belief.
Science says the in-group folks are awesome and perfect? Science is great! Science says in-groups and those out-group guys over there are basically the same? Science is useless and probably evil! That out-group person over there says in-group people are better than them? That person is 100% correct! That person says in-group people aren’t better and the out-group people deserve the same things in-groups have? That person is evil and needs to die!
They didn’t hate COVID and refuse to mask because they were just being obtuse. They hated that they were being lumped in with the (in their minds) ‘out-group’ and having all the same restrictions put on them. In their mind, the out-group is the only one that should be restricted. Ever. For any reason.
This is also why the War on Drugs here in the states got so much support. It created a well-defined in-group (white rich people who could still use drugs with impunity) and an out group (poor and people of color who could be accused of drug use and locked up even if they were innocent).
And this is why they’re banning abortion. You’ll note, if pushed, there’s often the vague statement of ‘oh, they can go out of state if they need to’. What they’re really saying is ‘we of the in-group will still be able to get abortions by going elsewhere/having cops look the other way/etc, but you of the out-group won’t’.
They don’t care what it is, as long as they have an item/privilege that the out-group doesn’t have. (I think this might also be why they idolize the rich; the rich naturally have a setup sort of like this thanks to money letting them have more things, and they want that so bad.)
While I agree, you still have to reckon with those individuals who claim to be conservative, vote accordingly and are then deprived of rights or services by obvious function of that vote and continue to be conservative, denying that it happened or pretending that it didn’t.
At that point it’s not an ideology or a value. It’s a brand. A cult. They just are. That’s what many of them are in the US these days. If there was a straight-forward motion to ensconce one of their so-called values into law, and a ‘conservative leader’ called for it to be downvoted, it would be. That’s because they don’t really have ideals.
I see it as more a combination of self-delusion, coupled with other people getting hurt more (or them being told other people are being hurt more; it seems they don’t even need proof).
They really don’t want to admit that they are in the out-group, because it would shatter their whole self-image.
I think we’ll be ok. We do like our social services a lot!
We like them less and less by the year. The politicians keep breaking them, and more and more people are convinced it’s because they’re just inherently not good, not because they’ve been sabotaged.
its called ‘starve the beast’… here in the states its a tactic they use to break the system… they cut funding, and can then point at the failing program to … further cut funding. eventually its dead. its one of the reasons our education system is so inefficient and expensive.
theres only one program that never, ever, ever ever ever gets cut… building human killing devices under the guise of ‘defense’
I’ve been saying for a long time that as a Canadian, you can predict the future. Just look across the border, and what you see down there will be arriving here in 10-15 years.
Pretty much, right?
When I think of Tim Hortons, I think of how I’ve seen the disappearance of reusable flatware and cutlery from such a large proportion of eating establishments, and the normalization of eating-in with exclusively single-use disposable stuff (usually plastic), in about two decades. Future generations will thank us /s. But it’s those effing ‘woke lids’ that are the real problem /s. Also, who cares about Tim Hortons if you don’t like it; it’s not even Canadian. Do conservative voters just need a daily dose of misplaced resentment and rage to keep them going?
Why are they even putting the lids in their mouth to dissolve?
Paper straws do suck though.
Paper straws do suck though.
I’m in Toronto, and I believe the city has banned plastic straws. I think plastic straw bans tend to be harmfully distracting from the larger issues. (To be clear, I think we have a massive plastic pollution problem.)
I was in a Hawaiian cocktail bar in Toronto recently, where the drinks are made to be drunk with straws and half of the people at the table asked for a second straw halfway through their drinks as the paper straws had stopped working well
We should be selling and marketing bring-your-own reusable plastic straws, with a small washable traveling case and a cleaning brush, maybe 4-packs
I think that is a really American thing though. I have never been to a place that had plastic cutlery and single use flatware. Sure some oprn air kitchens and festivals and such. But there is not really a better option for that
I think that is a really American thing though. I have never been to a place that had plastic cutlery and single use flatware.
Interesting! Care to provide your province and urban/rural? I live in downtown Toronto and unless there’s waiter-to-table service, there’s nothing reusable except glassware in bars and potentially plastic cups for free water. Other Torontonians, please chime in if you’ve seen anything different. Most places don’t ask “to stay or to go?” any more, or if they do the only difference is a bag
Ah. Honest mistake on my part. I missed this being a Canadian community. I am from Europe and have only seen plastic dishware and cutlery when I went to the US 2 times.
Edmonton been seeing real cups for eat in.
Like at Tims?
Do conservative voters just need a daily dose of misplaced resentment and rage to keep them going?
Yes. Conservative politics is (and always has been) the strategy of giving your followers someone to either fear, hate, look down on, or increasingly all three and then telling them repeatedly that they are the only party who can “fix” it. It’s not about governing, it’s about stoking anger and fear so that donors keep giving them money.
Pre-civil rights it was African Americans in the US and Indigenous people in Canada. Then it became homosexuals, then Mexicans, then migrants in general, then so-called “illegals” and refugees. Then 9-11 happened and it became Muslims. Then brown people in general. And now it’s circled back around to LGBTQ+ and trans folk.
Pick your marginalized society of choice and insert it into the very same playbook that’s always been used.
Little Pierre Poppinfresh isn’t doing or saying anything that hasn’t been Conservative policy from the very beginning. It’s just that thanks to the Trump effect, he no longer has to be subtle about it like his predecessors did.
Great insight, thanks for sharing! You said things better than I could have
That’s a joke, making fun of the person saying it was better before
Also Tim’s is a burger place so I am not sure why people are shocked that they bring in food
In Canada they dont have burgers.
They did! Like last year? Maybe two years ago now (what even is time anymore?).
They weren’t good.
They do burgers in 'Murica? Yikes…
Yet but it shouldn’t be a surprise that they are catching us up to speed with the rest of the world
I don’t need tim hortons to catch up with the rest of the world. I need tim hortons to have quality coffee and fresh donuts, which for a COFFEE shop, they don’t have.
Only people here consider it that and that’s only because a restaurant that doesn’t exist was a coffee shop before selling the name to a different company
Unrealistic expectations
I thought that person was just the run of the mill social media idiot until I saw her name on an anti abortion list.
Crazy politics has gotten so bad in Canada people will vote to pay this person 210k a year.
smoking rooms are still common in Korea. they’re quite nice. they are walled off so you don’t have to smell it
I’ve seen them done well in airports. They have additional extraction and filtering. They are also kept at a negative pressure, so the smoke doesn’t roll out whenever someone opens the door.
I’ve no issues with what people want to put into their bodies. I only take offence when others are forced to be exposed to it.
I only take offence when others are forced to be exposed to it.
People such as the staff who have to work in the smoke filled environment?
I’d definitely be the annoying shit on that one. I would insist on proper PPE for the environment. If the smokers in the team want to handle it without PPE, that’s entirely on them.
It’s also worth noting the smoking rooms are effectively empty, except for lights and some seats. Most staff can avoid it entirely.
Have the employees who smoke work the smoking section. Let us light up with the customers we serve! /s
Edit: I like @Cynar’s idea too. Full respiratory gear like a firefighter. lol
Yeah, it seems fine honestly when I’m in places where they’re common. I appreciate how we have less substance use than they do on other continents, though, and making it inconvenient might have something to do with it.
Did I miss the introduction of paper lids somehow? I know I don’t go to timmies that often, but what?
Apparently so: https://www.blogto.com/eat_drink/2024/04/ontario-plastic-free-coffee-lids-tim-hortons/. I never go there so I don’t know when.
Congrats Ontario on finally getting paper lids.
Between daycare, pharmacare, and now food containers; congratulations on following Québec’s footsteps ;)
Conservatives call this all pinko Commie liberal stuff. Free stuff if you will. Not stuff we paid our hard earned tax dollars for.
Imagine being that small minded.
Conservatives like daycare and pharmacare, because it removes the burden from individuals and employers, this reduces entry barriers and evens the playing field for small businesses and self employment.
At you sure they are conservatives? Or just cunts that like the sound of the word?
No, this giant corporation was never “for the little guy”, and bad pizza is not some elitist thing.
I have it on good authority that pizza is ‘woke’ mostly because it’s ‘ethnic’ food.
Ah, the good old days of WASP supremacy, before all those romance-language-speaking Catholics arrived in Canada.
What’s up with people misspelling “return” with a v?
If I were to take a guess, it’ll have to do with the conservative obsession with Ancient Rome.
Man thinking about the Roman empire clock now reset to 0 (again).
Yup. See also the rampant use of ancient busts as profile pics. For some reason they are obsessed with the penis-graffiti-drawing, buttsex-enjoying, poetry-writing ancient Romans (and Greeks), when I’m pretty sure a typical aristocrat of the time would find them boorish and incredibly uneducated simpletons, barely fit to till a field.
Including the three genders?
Old people without glasses, maybe?
That’s certified Idiots on Facebook quality! Like plastic lids and smoking sections are going to save Tim Hortons’ enshittification.
Indeed. What about returning to Tims being a Canadian company and serving actual freshly made donuts? And as others have said, why not bring back mugs? And maybe sell travel mugs from the counter and allow discounted refills, and do away with travel lids altogether? It’s not like those plastic single use lids were a part of the original Tim’s experience.
While we’re at it, we can close down the drive through; that’s not original Tim’s either.
Wars, genocide, people displaces, weaponized disinformation, cost of living, the housing crisis, climate change. All small potatoes to a conservative, who is taking a stand on,checks notes, so called “woke” coffee lids.
Conservatives ruin literally everything. I defy a conservative to tell me what they have contributed to the betterment of society.
Is she tongue fucking that paper lid that it dissolved?
Probably all the action she ever gets.
Both these posts sound like satire
The MP saying this nonsense is serious, idiot that she is.
Even this post showing it off feels like satire, how exactly does a room with cigarette smoke in it “fuck the planet?” Do people think cigarette smoke emissions are remotely relevant on a global scale? Poe’s law is strong in this one.
Cigarette butts are terrible for the planet.
Sure, but having a smoking section in Tim Hortons isn’t going to change that. I’d think it’d make it more likely for smokers to throw their butts out in a manner that can be properly disposed of, rather than making them smoke outside.
Note that I’m not advocating smoking or smoking sections. Smoking is awful on many levels and I’d rather see it go away entirely. I’m just pointing out that it’s ridiculous to say having a smoking section in Tim Hortons is going to have a significant impact on the environment. Jumping to “this is going to fuck the planet” is crying wolf, it’s going to result in people either getting sick of environmentalism or more subtly problematic it’ll result in people thinking they’re making a difference when they’re not. The plastic straw ban, for example. Plastic straws were never a major contributor to ocean plastic waste. By far the largest contributor to ocean plastic waste is discarded fishing equipment, but I don’t see any campaigning to reduce seafood consumption. People banned straws instead and then thought they’d accomplished something.
Our human butts are terribler for the planet