A horde of trailer-park visigoths can sack the Capitol and Republicans say “what’s the big deal?” But let one guy show up in casual clothes and they lose their goddamn minds.
I don’t give a fuck. What are we doing about the worthless traitor filth who salivate at the thought of installing a dictator?
Me too, but at least business casual should be expected?
Agreed. I expect my politicians to look good. I also really like when they give a good handjob around a bunch of children with their tits hanging out. That’s my type of professional!
This is a losing issue for Republicans.
Do they think their base gives a shit about dress codes? Obviously not! But the fancy lads can’t stand the thought of people not dressing correctly lol
Their base will get offended over anything & everything so long as it’s not one of their own being criticized. They are forever hypocrites, and generally dumber than a box of rocks.
Eh, the base will forget about this in a week if its not right in front of their faces on TV. It’s just not something they actually care about.
Some issues ignite a fire in the base and sustain themselves, like racism and queerphobia, but dress codes ain’t it.
That’s the thing though. It will be in front of their faces on tv on Fox News and their radio shows will bring it up all the time. It’s a propaganda opportunity for them and they’re gonna capitalize on it.
Don’t forget opportunity cost - by focusing on this nothingburger they’re letting other opportunities slip past them.
Just going for the low hanging fruit all the time isn’t a good strategy, is all I’m saying.
They don’t give a shit about dress code. They give a shit about having an excuse to be angry about something.
I guarantee if some GOPer showed up in a stained wifebeater with camo shorts and crocs, they would be celebrated as ‘just like us’ and ‘a hero of the people.’
That’s my point!
Republicans should have been the ones to do this first, their base would have loved it and it would have pissed Democrats off because it violates the precious norms. But instead they missed their chance and now Democrats are eating their lunch.
To be fair, I don’t think Gym Jordan owns a tie or blazer. I also really don’t care. :)
I can imagine an alternate universe where Republicans were the ones to do this, and you know in that universe Democrats on MSNBC would be up in arms about Republicans disrespecting the norms.
Is anyone here in a client facing job allowed to dress like this? This guy is on TVs and websites around the world dressed like he rolled out of bed and grabbed yesterday’s shirt out of the laundry. Not on the weekend where he got called in for an emergency, but for a regular workday; one where he was scheduled to lead the all-day meeting he was in.
The vast majority of Americans have a dress code for work. It really isn’t an issue when the boss shows up to work looking like a hobo to fix something on their day off, but if they dress like this every day its a slap in the face to all their employees with a dress code.
If this guys showed up rocking a turtleneck and jeans or a polo and khaki shorts and people lost their minds that would be one thing, but look at that picture again and tell fill me in on the latest version of whataboutism.
Nothing wrong with relaxing the dress code some, but this guy is a walking example of why most companies have them.
I’m looking at that picture and I don’t see anything that would cause a safety hazard nor anything offensive, so I don’t give a shit and neither do the vast majority of people. He’s not wearing anything that would negatively impact his job performance, it’s fine.
Also, its the legislature. If there was a dress code, it should be red and blue jerseys with their donor’s logos on them.