This is a quote from Cruise after the release of the first Top Gun: “I want the kids to know that’s not the way war is. That’s why I didn’t go on and make ‘Top Gun II’ and ‘III’ and ‘IV’ and ‘V.’ That would have been irresponsible.”
So, he’s also a liar.
Gotta keep the church of scientology fed.
Fuck Tom.
Used to be a fan. He’s boring to watch on screen anymore. Same guy in everything and knowing what we know it’s not comfortable to see him
Top Gun 3: Flight of the elderly to endlessly fund scientology cultists. Tom Cruise is a fucking horrible actor, too. He can fuck right off.
Hard Pass and Block OP.
Well, you do you
Can’t wait until the time where someone goes through his movies after he retires and finds tons of scientology propaganda in them.
block op
Yep. Fuck Tom Cruise, literally a sociopath.