Took a painting class at the local art museum today and painted one of my first acrylics. I was really tight on time and finished this in less than 1 hour. Still happy with it tho. If I had more time, I’d work a lot more on shading the water, adding some foam in the wind, and making the trees more blurry pixelated like Monets. I might go get some acrylic paint and finish it up.
I’d love some feedback or guidance.
If I may nitpick, the balance of the image, between sea, sky and land is currently a bit dominated by the former two. A bit bigger land mass would make the picture more appealing.
Very nice job, though, keep it on!
Thanks! I agree with your critique. The intention was to place more effort on detailing the water, but I had run out of time. I ordered a paint set that should be here tomorrow, so I might work on it this weekend and will repost 👍
Good luck!