Just had this thought while running with my dog and getting fatigued. Why does it feel like that? What is going on in the tissue to make it “burn?”

  • Grumpydaddy@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Acid buildup in muscle tissue. Here is an article that explains what is happening:


    Esit: I originally said that your.muscles are creating waste chemicals quicker than your bloodstream can handle causing those bad chemicals build up locally. While this is true in a broader sense, I think it is more nuanced that that. Reading the article should give a better explaination

  • JimmyChanga@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    There’s a few factors really, your out of shape comment could be one, no offence meant If you’re pushing your lungs, and airways in general, further than usual, and quite literally stretching them, and faster than they’re used to, the extra stretching can cause that feeling. Lessens as you get fitter. If its proper cold, or.dry, and if you mostly breathe through your mouth, or both, the air isn’t a match for the warm humid like air in your lungs and airways…nose breathing is a big thing to improve your running, there’s a great guy whose name I cannot recall who is a massive advocate for nose breathng in runners and how it can massively help your long distance proper too! Includes things about dehydration lessening etc…worth a search for