• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    We could have just ran a popular candidate that helped people for four years instead of spending that time what to do about the unpopular candidate not being able to decisively beat the worst president in the history of America.

    A random empty suit off the street would easily beat trump.

    Probably would be handling genocides better too

    • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
      6 months ago


      Legitimately just do one thing for people that makes a visible, palpable change in their lives for the better and you’ll never lose an election again.

      • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
        6 months ago

        Let’s go

        • Biden took the biggest action on climate change in US history; the goal of the climate bill is to put us on track for a 40% reduction in US emissions by 2030. It’s way too late but that’s clearly not Biden’s fault since he started fighting for it basically as soon as he got into office, and managed to achieve passed legislation which is several standard deviations above the norm for “let’s ignore it until we’re underwater and on fire” US politician status quo.
        • Biden ordered the forgiveness of half a trillion dollars in student debt, about a third of the current total balance, and the Supreme Court told him no. He’s still managed to forgive $144 billion worth of it even against stiff Republican “no we need that money to give to Wall Street criminals pls” resistance.
        • Biden introduced a bill to legalize marijuana federally, which the Republicans killed in the senate.
        • Biden achieved the lowest unemployment in 20 years after having been handed an economy that was still digging out from the apocalypse that was 2020.
        • Wages at the bottom end of the economy have actually been growing, outpacing inflation, every single year that he’s been president. The top 10% of wage earners actually have lost some ground, it’s true – that probably makes “wages are growing” not feel true to most Lemmy users, because for tech workers, they’re shrinking. But the majority of US wage earners have been making more and more year by year. $15/hr is the new unofficial minimum wage in a lot of sectors. That’s not enough, but it’s sure as shit better than when he came in and unemployment was 6% and a lot of people and businesses were still dependent on Covid-aid stimulus payments.

        So Biden should never lose not just one election ever again, 4 times over, right? Literally just this week he gave out another 6 billion dollars in student loan relief.

        (Him being unpopular as parent comment said, I’ll kind of agree with, but that’s because our news media doesn’t bother to make any of the above clear to anybody or consider it as relevant to talk about as “BIDEN’S DOG FARTED it smelled really bad does this mean he’s in trouble in the election? Find out more”)