There’s a romhack for Golden Sun that apparently adds voice acting to the prologue scenes at the start of the game.
I thought this was going be a more technical oriented video about what I’d sound like with the performance of the sound chip and the speaker, and the cartridge memory size limitation, bit sad it isn’t :(
Not sure what this was supposed to imply. Some did have voice acting, though very limited.
Tales of Phantasia for one. Only in the loading screen I believe. “If there is evil in this world, it lurks in the hearts of men.”
Don’t forget for some of the spells and skills. How can I forget late nights full of “Indiguneishon! Indiguneishon!”?
This really highlights how terrible the dialogue is.
Fire Emblem supports peaked with FE8\FE9, few are stand outs in FE6 and FE7.
After FE9, supports became even worse than before (FE10 is full of generic “how are you”, “let us fight together”, “yes we are comrade”, FE11 has none, FE12 has very few good ones such as Arran’s (very tragic character that was not explored enough), FE13\14\15\16\17 is post 2013 generic anime tropes galore)