My ONLY problem with the left is they preach tolerance but are ALWAYS the ones to start the abuse, insults, name calling and threats when they are disagreed with.
On a place light Reddit most subs will just ban you for showing any right leaning opinions. Or any opinion that goes against their narrative. That’s not what tolerance is.
It is the left that starts the abuse.
If I were to say “there are two genders (male and female) and you can not change what you were born as” the red mist descends and because my views don’t align I get called a phobe or ist or a bigot. They simply can’t accept that not everyone shares their ideology.
As for the right starting the abuse just look at the Reform member conference in Cornwall last week.
It wasn’t the right wearing masks to hide their faces and physically trying to stop people entering while threatening and verbally abusing them.
With two-tier Kiers thought police WATCHING from the sidelines.