Wow, so nobody traveled across the Mediterranean until the modern era? Gosh!
Techie, software developer, hobbyist photographer, sci-fi/fantasy & comics fan in the Los Angeles area. He/him.
Website: #IndieWeb
Wow, so nobody traveled across the Mediterranean until the modern era? Gosh!
They tell you they only mean the ham-fisted stuff to get “reasonable” people to agree with them, then they move the goalposts and start calling everything else woke, regardless of “ham-fistedness,” to get “reasonable” people to expand their definition of “woke” in a pejorative sense and associate a wider range of media as being “woke and therefore bad.” Just like they did in past decades with “political correctness.”
I had to check…
Yeah, it was real! Back in 2017.
Checking the certificate of DLL makes it harder to hack. Note that once users’ PCs are compromised, the hackers can do anything on the PCs. This solution only prevents from Notepad++ loading a CIA homemade DLL. It doesn’t prevent your original notepad++.exe from being replaced by modified notepad++.exe while the CIA is controlling your PC.
If I’m reading this correctly, the headline is…very inaccurate.
It looks like a dispute between two developers in Organic Maps, who both started out at, specifically over whether their CDN redirector should be public or private.