
  • 17 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 2nd, 2024


  • I know a lot of you, most of you probably, just want a TV deal, but the business aspect of it all interests me. It’s why I disagree about ratings not mattering, ratings bring the advertisers, advertisers bring the money, the money keeps the show going.

    For anyone wondering about TruTV, the current plan is to turn it into a sports focused channel, NASCAR has agreed to a deal with WBD putting 5 races on TNT but TruTV will have all practice and qualifying for the next 10 years if I read the deal right. Some College Football and Basketball is also coming, WBD also has the rights to the French Open. So I guess they’re going to spend that NBA money to bring in different cheaper sports.

    I really wanted PPV’s to become PLE’s on MAX, it could still happen but who knows. I am concerned a bit about the claim it would only be two shows, but three networks, unless TruTV is simulcasting some stuff. Otherwise it makes no sense, but three networks, and three shows, and apparently a Shockwave is coming.

    170 million a year is great, should just about cover the costs of Final Countdown for the rest of Bryan’s run. I kid, this is great, nobody except WWE has seen huge amounts of money for Wrestling. I don’t care for needles and grocery bag suffocation’s but AEW is desperately needed to counter the WWE’s monopolistic ways.

    The thing about shopping another broadcast package though is quite interesting, especially with those FOX (or Tubi) rumors a week ago.

  • Do concussions really take weeks to recover from?

    We now know it’s a traumatic brain injury that causes them, sometimes with permanent damage and over time it leads to CTE which leads in a lot of cases to a lower quality of life, dementia, Alzheimer’s and other problems. Look at Bryan Danielson, he had so many concussions, at least 10 in WWE, that it was causing seizures, he got cleared by one doctor but WWE’s refused to clear him, so he saw a different doctor that found the brain lesion that forced his retirement.

    Is this just precautionary?

    So I looked into the testing, right now most football teams are using SCAT5 testing, a combination of baseline testing, questions and symptoms, and then retesting to compare against the baseline. Sometimes they do brain scans/EEG’s. So some of it is still precautionary, but mostly they just know how to test for it now. Typically the more you have the more they make you wait before clearing you.

    Or is it a result of new research since 2007?

    Definitely a lot more is known about it now. People like Christopher Nowinksi have made understanding this their life’s work. Nowinski claimed he worked for a whole year with post-concussion symptoms for WWE before retiring, and also said he had a 3-year long headache, which is part of why he took it so serious.

    Where used to we’d just tell people to “walk it off” we now know better if they are showing symptoms.

    But, I think you can also point to money being a reason they take it more serious now, a group of Retired NFL players sued the NFL because apparently the NFL knew about concussions and what they were doing but didn’t step in and do anything. They settled out of court for 875 Million and the NFL never had to go to discovery to find out what they knew. Those that died from CTE got something like 5mm, the ones with Dementia got something like 3 or 4 as did the ones with Alzheimer’s.

  • They can’t have the SmackDown slot, Fox already sold it to college sports and the UFL which will bring in more ad revenue than wrestling.

    I’d love for them to be on FOX though, I always thought it was crazy that AEW were trying to put all their eggs into one basket.

    Current rumors flying around are it’s possibly a streaming show for FOX’s Tubi service, if so I’d guess it’s likely to be a lot like AEW Dark or Rampage, something they can pair with Collision the way they do Rampage with Dynamite.

    Personally Shockwave sounds like the name of a PPV to me, but we shall see.

    Also… I love the crazy theories. Reminds me of the stuff back in the old forum days.

  • Based on All Out, it looks like the BCC wants to do the job, and I don’t want it to be Mox.

    I think there are four members of the roster I’d personally be happy with…

    Wheeler Yuta, not a good talker, but he’s got great ring work and facial expressions also maybe a member of the BCC so if his BCC feud is the end this would work for me.

    Jack Perry, might as well go all in on him if you want him to take that next level, but he needs to do something big before we get there.

    Daniel Garcia. His work with MJF is a whole new attitude, his dismantling of MJF also appears to be an attempt to move him up the card and it worked for me, I would not be upset if he gets the job done.

    My 4th pick that I don’t think has a shot because for some reason he’s been watered down… Jay White.

    They are relatively young and I expect all of them to be AEW for a long time and properly booked I’d dig any of them being on top.

    EDIT: Spelling Correction