I’m not even mad at the trump supporters. I’m mad at the elements of the other 2/3s of the country that have probably spent every day leading up to and after the election bitching about how horrible Trump is but couldn’t be fucking bothered to get out to vote to prevent his ass from getting elected.
Yeah. Trump supporters are stupid and loud. But they are also engaged. They’re engaged with an alternate reality entirely devoid of facts, but engaged.
I’m much more concerned about the masses that are too stupid to understand what a democracy is, why it’s important, and therefore, are totally disengaged.
That level of carelessness is outright terrifying.
Democracy is a vaccine we must continue to develop and administer on a regular basis or we will succumb to the cancer that is…well… anything else.
They are Trump supporters. Not voting is also decision. You vote “I’m fine with whoever wins”.
The problem is neoliberalism. It imples fascism or feudalism. The Democrats will only accelerate the development as long as they stay neoliberal.
“A dope” — Former National Security Advisor HR McMaster
“A fucking moron” — Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
“An idiot” — Former Chief of staff Reince Preibus
“An idiot” — Former Chief of Staff John Kelly
“An idiot” — Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin
“An idiot surrounded by clowns” — Gary Cohn
“An idiot with the intelligence of a kindergartner” — Former National Security Advisor HR McMaster
“Breaking—Trump is still an idiot” — (former) Trump supporter and right wing columnist Ann Coulter
“Donald’s an idiot” — Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen
“Dumb as a rock” — Rex Tillerson
“Dumb as shit” — Former economic advisor Gary Cohn
“He is truly an idiot.” — Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis
“He’s an idiot.” — Former advisor Sam Nunberg
“I honestly and truly believe my Schnauzer (dog) could do a better job.” — Federal chair under Trump Janet Yellen
“Less a person than a collection of terrible traits” — Former chief economic adviser Gary Cohn
“Like an 11-year old child” — Former advisor Steve Bannon
“Like trying to figure out what a child wants” — Former White House deputy chief of staff Katie Walsh
“Moron King” — Podcaster Joe Rogan
“Not only crazy…stupid” — (former?) Trump friend Tom Barrack
“Sick of being a wet nurse to a 71-year-old man” — Steve Bannon
“Someone who sucks up and shits down” — Former Fox News chief Roger Ailes
“The White House has become an adult day care center” — Republican Senator Bob Corker
“This guy is a complete and total moron” — Federal chair under Trump Janet Yellen
“Too dumb to testify” — John Dowd, during the Mueller investigation
“Unhinged” — John Kelly
“What an idiot” — Rod Dreher, senior editor at The American Conservative
Who downvoted FACTS? I can see if it was dis-information or even just my opinion but FACTS???
Not going to lie, for the first chunk of the list I thought I was reading quote of what Trump called those people — not the other way around!
I think I got it fixed now. Thanks!
They probably downvoted your formatting. It wasn’t obvious at first that you were listing quotes people said describing Trump.
OK, It was not recognizing the line break for some reason. Copy and paste from a LebreOffice text document. It’s my first time doing that. I’ll work on it.
“A dope” — Former National Security Advisor HR McMaster
“A fucking moron” — Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
“An idiot” — Former Chief of staff Reince Preibus
“An idiot” — Former Chief of Staff John Kelly
“An idiot” — Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin
“An idiot surrounded by clowns” — Gary Cohn
“An idiot with the intelligence of a kindergartner” — Former National Security Advisor HR McMaster
“Breaking—Trump is still an idiot” — (former) Trump supporter and right wing columnist Ann Coulter
“Donald’s an idiot” — Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen
“Dumb as a rock” — Rex Tillerson
“Dumb as shit” — Former economic advisor Gary Cohn
“He is truly an idiot.” — Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis
“He’s an idiot.” — Former advisor Sam Nunberg
“I honestly and truly believe my Schnauzer (dog) could do a better job.” — Federal chair under Trump Janet Yellen
“Less a person than a collection of terrible traits” — Former chief economic adviser Gary Cohn
“Like an 11-year old child” — Former advisor Steve Bannon
“Like trying to figure out what a child wants” — Former White House deputy chief of staff Katie Walsh
“Moron King” — Podcaster Joe Rogan
“Not only crazy…stupid” — (former?) Trump friend Tom Barrack
“Sick of being a wet nurse to a 71-year-old man” — Steve Bannon
“Someone who sucks up and shits down” — Former Fox News chief Roger Ailes
“The White House has become an adult day care center” — Republican Senator Bob Corker
“This guy is a complete and total moron” — Federal chair under Trump Janet Yellen
“Too dumb to testify” — John Dowd, during the Mueller investigation
“Unhinged” — John Kelly
“What an idiot” — Rod Dreher, senior editor at The American Conservative
THANK YOU! That looks much better.
I can’t see this ending without extreme violence. If someone sees a way out without that let me know I could use the positivity but it feels like civil war territory
There won’t be another elections. Put that energy elsewhere.
Civil war of right vs left will achieve nothing but bloodshed, but the 99% vs the 1% has legs.
Violence is not necessary. Occupy wall street was surprisingly effective. The Hong Kong umbrella movement was derailed more by covid than anything else.
…what change did Occupy effect?
In my opinion, it exposed an achilles heel in the current power structure. The 1% do not like being the scapegoat for public anger.
Occupy made Tim pool a lot of money anyways.
Agree. I don’t know how it gets resolved without blood, especially if elections aren’t free and fair.
Unprofitable civil disobedience of unprecedented scale.
I hope so
Americans won’t revolt. They are well conditioned by the tech oligarchy. The US will become Russia 2.0.
Sadly I think it ends with a whimper not with a bang. And even if by some miracle Trump leaves office the next Government whether it be Democrat or Republican will not reverse course on these changes, they will maintain and use the power.
“Sadly” a whimper would be a blessing. To say otherwise is to imply extreme violence is desirable.
Currently reading “Labor’s Giant Step Forward”, its a documentation of the biggest labor movement in US history, and how FDR actually betrayed in with an extremly watered down New Deal to curb the actual demands of the workers at the time.
But what I’ve been super impressed reading, is the tactics and resolve of these workers in fighting back against state violence, while minimizing casualties to an extremely effective extent. For example, there was a time where after an extended tense period of police standing opposite a picket line and trying to break them up the cops drew their weapons but the strikers were ready for it, and had a particular person they knew had balls of steel drive a truck filled with strikers right into the formation of cops and the strikers jumped out the engage the cops hand to hand, and in doing so, got themselves intermixed with the police so that they could not fire their guns without shooting each other, and deaths were prevented. There was still violence, but care was taken to directly minimize it.
The removal of the problem people pushing the policies.
Warning? … this is what the ‘warning’ looked like in 2022
Assuming we have elections again that aren’t rigged to keep R in power - I pray fervently that everyone Fucking Remembers this time what R does when given power. They showed us during 2017–>2020 how they wanted to behave, but we managed to stop most of it.
Anyone paying attention should have seen it then.
And then, came Jan 6. Everyone saw it. No one could have missed it.
And somehow, some fucking how we forgot. And I know we forgot because Project 2025 was in the news, and he (obviously) lied and said he knew nothing about it, and people somehow fucking believed him!
And I don’t just mean, “we forgot and now there is a Republican in office and I treat politics like a team sport.” I mean “we forgot and now Republicans control everything and they are working together as a nationwide team to dismantle the very fabric of our nation and government, with absolutely no concern for who they hurt, and arguably with a goal of hurting a great many people.”
AND WORSE they take all this action making it plain that ZERO of the values of our nation that we were taught to revere matter to them whatsoever while claiming the entire time that they are dismantling our nation and harming people because they hold those values so sacrosanct.
It’s the national despot version of 5 cops standing around beating the shit out of a black man on the ground, curled in the fetal position, while all screaming at him to stop resisting.
And not only that, there’s actually a live tracker where you can watch it all go to hell in a steady march to 100% completion!
If we somehow get one more chance to fix this, I want so badly to believe that we will remember what they have shown us time and time again about what they truly value, about what a country shaped by Republicans looks like, and recognize that no matter how greatly flawed the Democrats are (and believe me, I am NOT a cheerleader for Democrats as a group), we cannot allow this to continue. We need to get R out of power as step number one, and fix D (or fracture D to get an actual opposition party) as step number two.
And we need to never forget that they have shown us who they are, time and time again, and it’s terrible, and hateful.
At every election from the tiniest of local elections up to the general, we need to remember that.
I am so disgusted, so disgusted, first by what a lie everything I was taught growing up about our nation was, and secondly that so many millions want to actively make it worse for everyone, so long as it means they can own the libs, and create a nation hostile to queer folks, women, immigrants, and minorities.
I’m sorry but I have no faith in half the American people. They have a short attention span and are so uneducated that they won’t think critically of the ramifications of electing another Republican in power. They have a strong desire to fulfill their own self interests and will vote for anyone who promises to lower their taxes, even if they come with some other insane goals that remove the rights of so many.
Even now you have news stories of Trump voters having their spouses deported but they won’t denounce him regardless. Frankly the only reason some conservatives are angry now is because they’re losing money on the stupid trade wars, the scaring off of cheap immigrant labor, and dismantling of civil institutions that indirectly help them. America’s willing destruction of all its soft power abroad and violations of civil liberties at home mean nothing to them. If things somehow get back to normal, you better believe they’ll come right back to the very same people responsible for all their misery they’re in right now because they want to see the value of their bank account get a little higher.
I’d love to argue with you, but unfortunately I cannot.
I want to believe people are better than this, that so many Americans can learn from their mistakes. Unfortunately history has proven to us that it’s not likely. Nixon’s scandal should have been the death knell of the Republican party but here we are, still voting for these corrupt bastards.
You know what’s uneducated?
When voters tell you exactly what they want, and for the most part, it’s only two things, and you ignore both.
They wanted food prices to come down because staples were becoming cost-prohibitive, and they wanted the US to stop sending WMD’s to a child genocide.
The candidate you expected them to vote for said they wouldn’t change anything and that these people, who are having problems affording food and are sick of watching their friends get bombed to “just be joyful”.
Your education, and that of other Democratic voters, didn’t do much for their critical thinking.
I’m no fan of Democrats either. It’s awful how bad both parties are kowtowing to Netanyahu and his genocidal rampage. That said, I’d rather have had a government that didn’t also turn fascist, further fuck up the economy, not treat our rights like they’re just rude suggestions, and further destabilize the global peace.
Sorry, I was scrolling through TikTok. What was that?
Excellent rant. One I’ve repeated many times since Reagan. It’s so obvious. Why do people not get it.
i can’t tell if he’s rolling out a nazi flag, or rolling up the american flag to reveal the nazi flag that was underneath the whole time
Little bit of both, probably.
Rolling back the facade that was his patriotism to reveal his underlying Nazism.
If you want to apply that to the whole country, it’s not out of the question. I wouldn’t, but many do.
Judging by the spiral on the side, rolling up the flag
Madison Square Garden; 1939
I was literally told by my remaining idiot MAGAt friend that I was “falling for the media’s garbage” about Project 2025, i.e. Trump didn’t know anything about, it was obviously just a ploy to lose him votes.
I have zero doubt his opinion was manufactured and flushed through various podcasts, streamers, and old school talk radio shit.
Send your friend this https://www.project2025.observer/
Yup. Dems should not have strong armed H. Clinton through the primaries in 2016. EVERYTHING would have been different.
Yes, 100% of the blame for the world we live in falls on HRC and DWS. None of the fault lies with the people that are actively tearing the country apart, the party members enabling them, or the idiots that voted for it…or voted third party…or abstained from voting entirely…in 2024, despite being told multiple times exactly what would happen. Sometimes even straight from the horeses mouth.
Nope. It’s all because of the Dems. They did this. Those bastards.
Nope. It’s all because of the Dems. They did this. Those bastards.
You’re being sarcastic, but yes, part of this problem goes back to that. History has proven that inventing superdelegates to subvert democracy in their own primary process was an absolutely horrible idea. It was also a fascist one.
When there’s a rabid dog running around loose and its owner refuses to put it down, you don’t blame the dog, you blame the owner. The dog is a lost cause; only the owner has agency to change anything.
So following this analogy, you blame the voters? Or the citizens (including those who didn’t vote)?
I’m just explaining why people aren’t wasting their time talking about the group that’s a lost cause.
You mentioned blame though, and it seems like people are somehow putting the blame on the person holding the gun trying to put down the rabid dog.
They’re putting the blame on the person for refusing to pull the trigger.
You voted for us to not pull the trigger.
Imagine thinking politicians are owed votes no matter what they do or promise. You’re beyond cooked. Here’s hoping the Dems and Republicans accelerate the US to a speedy demise.
Yes, let others suffer en masse. What a fine example of smug selfishness; perfectly adjacent to MAGA.
Can’t wait for Gavin Newsom to decide it’s his turn next, despite having less chance of winning than a snowball has of not vaporizing in hell.
They not only broke their own primary process, but they got sued for it in Florida and argued it was their right to do so.
Patently absurd, but they did it and got away with it.
They just need to stop crowning candidates.
Once more with this foolish narrative, Hillary lost to Bernie handily throughout the primary, my own vote for the man be damned.
Yeah chucklefuck the clown and Donald j musk are really happy about it though lol
Yeah well I didn’t need a warning I needed Dems to not be useless and purposely lose a culture war so Netanyahu can murder children and sexually assault literally everyone possible
Murica bent over and spread themselves for this to happen!
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I dunno what people expect in a society where both candidates are genocidal.
The problem is that there are only two candidates, and both parties can be bought.
Well…if I had known how cheap they were I would have bought a few of them myself.
There was a crowd funding movement for Bernie that was extremely popular. I think that money could be better spent (no shade on Bernie).
Ah, fucking moron says what? I’m glad I have your stupid ass tagged.
deleted by creator
Well, it’s very simple, really. You see, some wanted a lot of genocide while others wanted only a little genocide. And the latter blamed their loss on the people who didn’t want any genocide at all because that is just an unreasonably small amount of genocide.