We’re only two months in, and already I’m running out of analogies for incompetence. “Dumpster fire,” “shitshow” and “clusterfuck” all fail to communicate the gravitas of this fuckup.
Part of me wants to believe someone still had a spine and wanted to provide access to a prominent editor. The problem with that is assuming competence somewhere in the chain, and I’d rather blow a grand in Vegas than take that bet.
Am I a big fan of the whole national-security apparatus? Of course not. But this? I’ve only used Signal to talk with family and my ex-fiancee, all of whom live abroad. It’s a great platform for avoiding charges on international calls and having sexy chats; it is, as the story states, not approved for discussing matters of national intelligence.
I want to think incompetence will be the junta’s undoing. But King Orange’s followers don’t read The Atlantic, so unless Fox News picks this up without spinning it (“Welcome to hell, we have a snowball for you!”) the sheep will blithely remain in ignorance.
@EUCommission@ec.social-network.europa.eu these are our “partners”
The growing urge to text back goatse…