Well, in 1933 when the NSPD came to power they had 43% of the seats in parliament (I haven’t found the percentage of the total votes but I imagine it was much less). That did not prevent them from repeating the elections at the end of that year and getting more than 90%, you can imagine how.
Even a part of popular culture accepts that they came to power by winning elections and the German people feel and felt the shame that they came to power by democratic means, which is only half true.
I feel sorry for the American people, but they elected this team under the same rules of democracy as their previous presidents. To claim now that his election was not democratic is to distort the facts.
Stop this bs. Rules are set before the game begins.
68.1% of US citizens are bloody idiots.
Both times Trump won was when a woman was running against him. The only time he lost was to a white old man.
USA is just sexist and Americans better come to terms with it rather than making up random reasons.
“my vote won’t change anything”, “i don’t like any of them”, “that won’t affect me”, call leopards for those 36%
I need to mention that the reason why 20 million fewer voters voted is. Because of the massive voter suppression that was done prior to the 2024 election. So many people were purged from voters rolls and many polling places were closed it wasn’t funny.
Thats how elections work everywhere in the world… Wtf are you talking about?
This is true of every election except maybe one.
Nobody always wins. The “winner” is always elected by a tiny minority. It’s a fundamentally corrupt system. Always has been. Literally concocted by genocidal slavers.
Not a mandate, but voter’s apathetic acceptance.
Congrats USA, you just signed the death of my two cultures: First Nations and French Canadian. Your dictator will crush us like he does with every minorities and his maga army are already enjoying it. I hope you enjoy the new world, owned by and at the service of the 1% and the privilege-ass white boys.
Let’s get a count of all of the votes that were tossed due to targeted voter registration purges.
pfff… he won twice. if americans would want a real democracy that wouldnt have happened.
How gross it is, considering what was in the line that so many didn’t vote. Also I bet the duck he cheated.
Ah yes there was someone saying 1 in 2 people voted for Trump and yeah nope…
Those who didn’t vote, who thought their vote didn’t matter, that no matter which politician gets elected to whatever office… they’re complicit.
Or suppressed. I’ll give some anecdotal examples. I have a friend that lives in a major metropolitan area with over 2.6 million people. When he applied to get a photo ID (he lost his previous one and needed a new one), the soonest appointment available for the entire metropolitan area was 3 months out. That’s just for the appointment to apply for the ID, not actually receiving the ID. You are required to have a photo ID to vote. Then, voter registration in itself must also be completed at least a month before an election. Now, let’s talk about the process of actually voting. I’ve personally stood in line for over 6 hours to vote. A lot of the people waiting in line had to leave to pick up their kids and other things. If you don’t pick up your kids from school or daycare at very specific times, there are serious penalties. While I was waiting, there must have been at least 40 people in front of me that had to leave before voting. Many of them had waited in line for over 4 hours. For most people, waiting in line is the only way to vote. Only the elderly and disabled qualify to vote by mail. Make no mistake, voter suppression is very effective, and it is implemented specifically in areas that vote against what the ruling party wants. In Trump leaning areas, the lines were no longer than a two minute wait if they existed at all. Trump never would have won either election if it wasn’t for voter suppression.
The most complicit are the genocidal wackos who nominated a cop/prosecutor that campaigned to the cheyneys.
Nobody should be shamed into voting for trash.
If you live in a blue state and didn’t vote, how are you complicit?
The only significantly statically impactful group of “non voters” is the population that was unable to or inconvenienced heavily by voting.
Meaning the major majority of voters that didn’t vote were either unable to because of other obligations (work, childcare, etc) with a small subset of that being people that were no motivated enough to deal with the inconvenience of visiting a poll line (4hours in line) after a 10 hour shift.
These are the vast vast majority of people that did not show up. Beyond that an even smaller percentage was the "protest voters’ that even if 100% of which went to Harris she still would have lost.
I guess I just want to say “in conclusion” that the vast majority of voters that didn’t vote were giving you your Starbucks or your Taco Bell.
I think we should spend less time blaming voters and more time being critical of the politicians and party that gives zero reason for the working class to “risk” their shift for.
No one’s gonna “risk a shift” for the policies and messaging that Harris communicated. You don’t get people to “risk their shift” for voting for a lesser evil.
Sometimes i get the feeling that voting on a tuesday is working as expected: to keep working an poor people from voting…
Germany has voting per defintion only on sundays, and (at least where i live) the voting booths are everywhere. You can vote either per mail, or from 8:00 to 18:00 at a booth, and i never had to wait in a line to vote, and i’m in my 40s
No it’s the voters fault. Never forget. \s
Dw in canada the voter turn out is 18 percent.
I guess I just want to say “in conclusion” that the vast majority of voters that didn’t vote were giving you your Starbucks or your Taco Bell.
This is a very clear and succinct description of something I’ve been struggling to articulate for years. Affluent liberals can tell their boss they’re taking a long lunch to vote, and they don’t understand why shift workers don’t do the same.
I really appreciate your comment, because here we are months later and still a lot of folks don’t seem to be getting the big picture.
Maybe they need someone to blame other than the GOP, and folks who didn’t vote are the easiest target.
I got a mail in ballot because I knew I wouldn’t have time to make it on Voting Day
Of course, in-person early voting is a safer bet.
Mailing in your ballot puts it at a significantly higher chance of being discarded.
I think many people reported their ballots not being properly counted (and there’s like the whole burning the ballot boxes thing).
But is there any organization that officially tracks ballots being properly counted? I guess it’s state reported and state dependent. There’s no official or third party independent organization that tracks ballot discards right?
not everyone lives in that kind of state here in the UnUnited States of America
Almost all of us do
the population that was unable to or inconvenienced heavily by voting.
Voting early or by mail was available to:
-California: All active, registered voters automatically receive ballot.
-Colorado: All active, registered voters automatically receive ballot.
-D.C.: All active, registered voters automatically receive ballot.
-Hawaii: All active, registered voters automatically receive ballot.
-Nevada: All active, registered voters automatically receive ballot.
-New Jersey
-New Mexico
-New York
-North Carolina
-North Dakota
-Oregon: All active, registered voters automatically receive ballot.
-Rhode Island
-South Dakota
-Utah: All active, registered voters automatically receive ballot.
-Vermont: All active, registered voters automatically receive ballot.
-Washington: All active, registered voters automatically receive ballot.
-WyomingI’m not saying people don’t have tough lives, but it has been made pretty available to a lot of people at this point.
Note that there’s some asterisks on there.
Some of those states require you to get your ballot notarized and/or signed by witnesses. Incidentally this opens the door for voter intimidation since your witness is likely to be a spouse.
Also, you have scenarios like NC where they are trying to retroactively toss ballots that were counted, and mail in opens the door for “something wasn’t quite proper about the ballot, discard it”.
If you absolutely, positively, can not vote in person at all, then try your luck with mail in ballots, but if at all possible vote in person if you want the best chance for your vote to count.
I lived in a few different states and I’ve never lived some place where folks didn’t have 30 days to vote early and in person. I’m NOT talking about mail in whatever. 30 days! Just drop by. Not crowded. Not a big deal.
Other countries vote on Sundays, US could do the same.
Also mail in voting exists.
But yes, big brain move to not vote or vote some third party.
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Nah bigger brain is telling ppl neo liberalism is better then conseravitsm. “If im poor at least I’m not them”. Why you think most of the world is conservative?
I voted, and my vote definitely did not matter. Nor will it until we completely overhaul the election system, getting rid of the electoral college and first past the post. I don’t think that’s going to happen either until politicians acquire enough fear to offset their greed.
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