AUPE vice-president Curtis Jackson however, says the provincial employee union is disappointed by this response.

“These are serious allegations of backroom deals and inappropriate procurement practices,” said Jackson. “This is a scandal, and it’s the biggest one, in my recollection, since Alison Redford was providing her private plane to family members. It’s actually, I would say, even worse.”

He referenced back to the MHCare contract to procure children’s medication from Turkey in 2022, noting that CEO Sam Mraiche was “the fellow who provided luxury box tickets that the Premier and her cabinet ministers used in May 2024,” said Jackson.

While he added that none of these allegations have yet been proven, they have caused a massive break in faith with the union and the provincial government, one that “calls into question literally every decision that this government has made regarding health care over the last year, and that expands into and includes the splintering of health care into independent silos.”

    25 days ago

    “I am in complete control and micro-manage every aspect of my government” does not pair well with “how on earth could I have possibly known about this, the deal that I enthusiastically pumped for political points against Trudeau during the pandemic? HOW?”

    25 days ago

    Smith doesn’t understand the concept of wrongdoings. She’s a psychopath who onlyu understands what she can or can’t get away with.